
W.O.D. 7.31.15

 Interval Skill Clinic with Coach TP!

Muscle Up
We will spend about 15 minutes refining technique on the Ring Muscle Up and coaching beginners through the progression to learn this skill. 

For time:
5 Muscle Ups
5 Bear Complex (65/95#)
4 Muscle Ups
4 Bear Complex (65/95#) 
3 Muscle Ups
3 Bear Complex (65/95#) 
2 Muscle Ups
2 Bear Complex (65/95#) 
1 Muscle Up
1 Bear Complex (65/95#)

 The Bear Complex:
1. Power Clean 2. Front Squat 3. Push-Press 4. Back Squat 5. Push-Press
(this is done in sequence without putting the barbell down)

"Gratitude is a currency that we can mint for ourselves, and spend without fear of bankruptcy."
-Fred De Witt Van Amburgh


  1. Theresa 10:00 pdip/rrx2, 55
    Rachel 12:24 trans/dips
    Dave 14:00 sc
    Jeff 8:57 jmu
    Brian h 11:06 rr/dip, 85
    Mike s 13:02 rr/dips, 65

    Mike r 9:36 rr/pdipx2, 65
    Rich a 8:11 Rx
    Alex l 10:23 jmu
    Rob c 9:02 rr/pdipx2, 65
    Nick C 8:13 Rx

  2. 9:30

    Jill A 6:34 JMU
    Jonathan 7:32 JMU
    Jill H 10:02 sc
    Jackie 7:11 sc
    Mike E 8:21 Rx
    Jamie 8:42 53 sc
    Manisha 10:13 53 sc
    Barbara 10:55 35 sc
    Kevin B 10:23 Sc


    Chris M 7:13 65 sc
    Shane 7:17 JMU
    PAM 7:24 jmu


    Ashlea 9:59 50/45
    Ben 10:51 sc
    Erik 9:33 75 sc
    Sarah 35 sc
    Keith 3:43 Rx


    Chris D 7:03 JMU
    Danielle 8:58 53 sc
    Josh 6:29 75 JMU
    GIULZ 6:31 JMU
    Joe P 7:07 65
    Meggan 9:12 45 sc

    Alona 9:17 sc
    Jen S 8:45 53 sc
    Luis 11:38 sc
    Derrick 13:48 sc
    Matt E 11:40 sc


    Alicia 11:21 sc
    Josh mc 7:15 sc
    Amanda 35 sc
    Cline 8:40 80 sc
