
W.O.D. 7.2.15

"Thruster Thursday"
With a continuously running clock complete 5 thrusters every minute.
From 0:00-5:00 use 45/75 lb.
From 5:00-10:00 use 65/95 lb.
From 10:00-15:00 use 85/115 lb.
Continue adding 20 lb. every 5 minutes for as long as you are able.
Choose an appropriate starting weight so you can make the jumps necessary if you need to modify the weights.  You can also choose a smaller increment for the jumps (vs 20 lb. every 5 minutes) if needed.

Community Notes:
Your 4th of July Weekend at CrossFit KoP looks something like this, we hope you can join us. Feel free to bring a friend too!
Friday 7/3 -Normal class schedule ALL day
Saturday 7/4 - FREE Friends and Family "Adventure" WOD at 10:00AM (Annex)
Saturday 7/4 - OPEN Strength at 11:00AM (Annex)
Sunday 7/5 - FREE OPEN gym for all members from 10:00AM - 12:00PM (Annex)

“I am fond of pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals.”
― Winston S. Churchill


  1. 6am
    Matt R 45/65/65/45
    Brian H 65/85/105
    Justin D 65/85/65
    Jon P Rx (+4th round)
    King 65/85/105/125

    Mike Russo 35/45/55 form
    Joe C 75/95/115 (last 2 rounds failed)
    Peter Rx (+4th Round)

  2. 8:30/9:30AM
    Cate Rx 20 + 4 @ 125#
    Aimee Rx 22 finished @ 125#
    Jenna FS 15 + 4 @95#
    Rich Rx 23 + 3 @ 155#
    Jonathan Rx 16
    Kevin 25/45/65 (20 Mins)
    Diane Rx 13
    Jill A Rx 15 + 2 @105#
    Joy 15/35/55 (15 mins)
    Eileen 15/35/45 (17 mins)
    Gigi 15/35# :)
    Chris 12/20/30/40/45 DB (21 mins)

  3. 12:15

    Mike F Rx 16+4 @135
    Josh P 20(45/65/85/105)
    Pam Rx 18+4@105
    Anne 18 (25/35/45)
    Erika 18+2 (33/43/53)
    Jessie 20:3@75
    Tim H Rx 15

  4. 630

    Rachel 20+1 Rx
    Dave N 15+3 Rx
    Amanda w 15+2 24/45/55/65
    Jeroen 15+2 45/65/85/95
    Christine S 25 33/53/63/83/93
    Meredith 14 25/25/30


  5. 530pm CF Endurance Track Workout

    Laura Alt. 2:43
    Justin R 2:45
    Austin C 2:55
    Carter 3:03
    JZ 3:08
    Theresa L 3:09

    Building fitness on the track! Today was a pop quiz 800m all out time trial. Props to Laura Altimari for running strong and getting back to the top spot on the board with a 2:43, and with mere steps behind her with a 2:45, Justin R.

    Join us next week 5:30pm for another chance to get on the board for a 400m all out time trial. For those of you non-running folks, that's once around the track ;)

  6. 4:30/5:30
    Ashlea 20 (35/34/55)
    Laura P 15 + 3 rx
    Christa 15 (35/45/55)
    Erik F 15 + 5 (65/75/85/95)
    Regi 20 + 1 Rx
    Justin 15 (65/85/105)
    Lauren 19 (33/43/53/73)
    Cline 15 + 3 (55/75/95)

    and the 5:30...the most attentive class ever
    Scott 20 + 2 (45/65/85/105/115) Thruster/Press
    Flounder 9 + 4 rx
    Giulia 15 rx
    Keith 26 + 4 rx
    Jason 16 + 4 rx
