
W.O.D. 4.3.15

CONGRATS to Rachel for taking the top spot on the board for GRACE!

 Five rounds for max reps of:
 Body weight bench press

There is no time component to this workout. If you are not able to do your body weight on the Bench Press this will be scaled to your level and ability.

  Community Notes:
Please join us on Saturday, April 4th for our annual Family WOD and Easter Egg Hunt at 1:00PM. Free for members, friends and family.

OPEN gym will be on Saturday, April 4th from 11-1PM...join us for a missed WOD, strength, skill or mobility. 

CrossFit King of Prussia will be CLOSED on Sunday, April 5th for Easter.

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Do you know anyone who wants to get started at CrossFit KoP. We are offering a very affordable way...Click here to find out more. 9 sessions and two weeks of membership for only $50!

"You don't manifest dreams without taking chances."
-Stephen Richards


  1. 6am
    Mike s 65 @ 95
    Justin 85 @115/bnd
    Brian h 71 @bw/bnd
    Tim p 96 Rx
    Mark R 87 @185

    Pete 79 Rx
    Rich a 173 Rx
    Jeff b 102 Rx

  2. 9:30/12:15
    Erika 31 @ 63# rom
    Eileen 71 @ 43# band
    Jackie 63 @ (?)
    Fran 105 @ 43# band
    Rich P 62 @ 125#
    Manisha 62 @ 53#
    Lizzie 60 @ 73#
    Jill H 57 @83#
    Lindsey 56@ 75#band
    Laura A 63 @95#
    Diane 69 @95# band
    Maddie 44 @65 band
    Mike 48 @ 115#
    Scott R 59 @ (?)
    Chris A 90 @ 135 (strict)
    Dave 68 @ 135 (strict)
    Jen S 70 @ 115# strict
    Rachel 70 @115#
    Pam 34 @125#
    Troy 42 @ 75#
    Keith 129 RX

    Aimee 2:59 rx
    Rachel 2:35 rx
    Keith 1:15 95#
    Dave 3:28 rx
    Jen S 2:02 DB 25#

  3. 530

    Tim H 73, 155, rr
    Jason 105 Rx


  4. 3:30

    Kate F 38 @70
    Josh Mc 102 @165
    Sharon 90 @115
    Olan 90 @185 is this Rx?
    Cline 100 @ 115 band
    Ben 72 @165 is this Rx?


    Giuls 103 @ 85
    Regi 100 @85 RR
    Justin 87 @155


    Jim 95 Rx- (ROM on bench)
    Shawn D 71 125 band
    Christine S 96 @135 RR
