
W.O.D. 2.9.15

Congrats to Ryan A for taking the #2 spot on the leader board today!!!

Welcome to Leslie! First Class!

Take 15 Minutes to get to a heavy 1 RM Push Press

Box Jumps (20/24")
Push Press (75/115#)
(Time CAP 10:00 Minutes)

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
– Winston Churchill


  1. 6am
    King 180# (pr), capped 10s Rx
    Mike S 120#, cap 8+11 (65#)

    Alona 105#, cap 2+6 Rx
    Alex L 145#, cap 2+5 (95#)
    Luther 115#, scaled (45)
    Jeff B 245#, 7:46 Rx
    Peter W 155#, 9:24 Rx

    Nice work everybody keeping the core tight and stable. Extra props to Jeff and Peter fitting this in under the cap.

  2. Chris T 85 124 reps (55/13")
    Manisha 70 123 reps (45#)
    Diane 165 9:08 (13")
    Jackie 120 115 reps Rx
    Tatiana 65 9:03 (40#/17")
    Kara 85 9:59 (55/20 Step)
    Darcy 73 107 reps (53/20")
    Jonathan 175 8:11 (95/20")
    Barb 105 9:53 (65#/13")

  3. Express
    Dana 100pr, 7:39@55
    Mark R 225pr, 9:00@115

  4. 6:30

    Borden 185 100 sc
    Conn 185 9:26 95
    Dave N 205 8:29 Rx
    Rachel 145 6:58 Rx
    Ryan A 265!!! 126 Rx
    Sarah Y(Killa/Formerly B) 125 7:30 65 step up
    Seshu 165 8:59@95

  5. 3:30/4:30/5:30
    Lauren 75/116 reps 55/20
    Erik 105/123 reps 65/20
    Josh B 205 9:38 RX
    Jonathan P 180 9:26 Rx
    Joy 95#/8:23 55/20

    Leslie 65/ 102 rps 45/20
    Olan 195 9:25 Rx
    Roman 185# 10:00 Rx
    JZ 135# 9:28 75#/24"
    Justin R 195/ 9:30 Rx
    Giulia 110# 9:38 Rx
    Keith 235# 7:40 Rx
    Andrew 185#/ 90 reps 95/24#
    Rebecca 85#/9:53 35/20"
    Ly 100# 9:00 53/20
    Joe C 205# PR! 124 reps RX

    Cline 150/ 8:29 (80/20)
    Tim H 170/ 9:11 75/20
    Alejandra 78# PR! 8:30 40/20"
    Brian 135/ 9:57 75/20
    Bre 115 9:15 Rx
    Luis 195 PR! 8:49 (95/24")
    Joe T 115/ 90 reps 75/17
    Taryn 115 90 reps 75/17
    Luke 165 90 reps Rx
    Jill C 115 9:06 Rx
    Christa 85/ 7:37 (45/step up)
