
W.O.D. 2.26.15

1000 Meter Row
50 Thrusters (45#)
30 Pull-ups

Community Notes:
All weekend classes will be held in the Annex, (110C DeKalb), please meet and park there. There will be no CrossFit Kids (Preschool) class on Saturday.

“Always make a total effort, even when the odds are against you.”
– Arnold Palmer


  1. Laura A 16:25 band
    Steve P 17:06 band
    Justin D 17:32 band
    King 8:31 Rx
    Rich A 6:07 Rx *
    *After his 3:14 Unbroken Fran and today's unbroken Jackie, the only athletes that could beat this guy are out in California right now preparing for tonight's open WOD announcement.

    Nice work kick starter class grads Laura A and Steve P commiting to sticking it out to the finish of a bit more reps than your used to.

  2. 9:30 and Express
    Mark R 10:06 44#goblet/RR
    Eileen R 13:46 band 15#
    Manisha 15:02 33#
    Pam 10:45 Rx
    Jill A 10:46 Rx
    Beth 13:55 33/band

    Mike T 7:26 Rx
    Jessica A 15:39 band 10#DB
    John P 7:39 Rx

    Huge kudos to Jessica A for finishing the entire WOD and first time on the pull-up bar for banded pull-ups!

  3. Wow rich, way to crush the second place time by almost a minute!!

  4. 4:30/5:30
    Jonathan 8:59 rx
    Josh B 7:31 Rx
    Josh M 9:52 Rx
    Colton 11:00 rx
    Lauren 11:15 band 35#
    Erik 13:54 Band
    Carmen 13:45 band
    Liza 10:56 band 33#
    Anne 12:16 band 15#
    Ly 12:21 band 35#

    Ryan S 9:49 rx
    Jason I 12:26 rx
    Regi (1/2) 5:18
    Seshu 10:53 ROM PU
    Christine S 11:11 Jump 33#
    Britt 11:30 33#
