
W.O.D. 2.17.15

Brian, Scott and Chet show some early morning dedication!

Test Day- Record Results
 3 RM Back Squat
Take as much time and rest between sets to reach your 3 RM Back Squat

Gymnastics Skill
Use the remainder of the class to work on your Chest to Bar Pull-ups. 
Record your biggest set completed.

Community Notes: 
 Saturday, February 21st will be the Culmination of the Zone Challenge.  Join us at 9:00/10:00AM for measurements, 11:00AM Performance Test and 1:30PM for Lunch at the Taphouse 23 in Bridgeport (everyone is welcome, whether you did the challenge or not).

If you cannot make it on Saturday, I will be available from 9:00-9:30 AM on Friday the 20th for Measurements and you can complete the WOD on Friday at 9:30AM. 

The winner will be announced on Saturday, you can pick up your T-shirts when you get measured!

"Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care for people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or ill." 


  1. 6/7am
    Brian H 275#
    Chet 235#
    Scott R (kb FS ladder)

  2. King 225
    Joe G. 265
    Rich P. 225
    Mark R. 265
    Jill A. 230
    Rebecca 125 PR
    Denise 165
    Anne form
    Steph C. form

    With the scaled division you don't have to be afraid of chest to bar pull ups. Even if you want to do the RX division, you can always scale the chest to bar and still have a score assuming they are not first. If they are first, you may get your first chest to bar like a lot of people at last year's open. Lots of first time T2B and C2B.

  3. 4:30

    Eric F 185
    Eric R 185
    Jonathan 265
    Josh B 335
    Karen 108
    Lauren 125
    Liza 125
    Olan 255
    Roman 225
    Sarah 93


    Flounder 135
    John Mc 245
    Josh P 215
    Ryan A 325
    Killa 205
    Tim H 275


    Alejandra 120
    Michal 145
    Patrick 155
    Rachel 235


    Dave N 265
