
W.O.D. 2.11.15

Front Squat

150 Push-ups 
*each time you break from the Push-ups and "rest" you must complete one 200 Meter Run.

"Rest" is considered stopping in the down phase of the push-up with chest to the ground. 
"Rest" is considered stopping in the up phase of the push-up with your butt in the air. 
"Rest" is considered coming on to the knees.
(Scaling to level and ability can be implemented if necessary)

Your score is the total time to complete the 150 Push-ups including the run. 

The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.
 – Mahatma Gandhi


  1. 37 degrees and sunny out tomorrow!! Obviously the row can be a scale and modification, but lets get outside before Sunday when it's 1 degree!

  2. 6a
    Jamil 95, 17:43 (snake/50r)
    King 175, 15:57 Rx
    Justin R 185, 16:05 (snake/100r)
    Mike s 130, 14:24 (81r/snake)
    Theresa 60, 17:05 (snake)

    Welcome Jamil!! Today was his first class!

  3. Colton 155pr, 20:18 (121)
    John m 185, 21:27 bnd

  4. 430

    Ryan S 155, 17:20 rx
    Kate form, 18:34 band and row
    Liza 95, 15:15 100 reps band
    Josh B 245, 9:30 rx
    Jonathan 225, 25:08 rx
    JZ 145, 14:31 100 reps
    Olan 185, 15:20 100 reps
    Brian 145, 32:10 band
    Roman 185, 21:44 rx
    Alejandra 98 (pr!!) 15:18 band
    Alison Form, 19:16
    Josh M 28:32 rx


  5. 530

    Patrick mobility, 21:55 rx
    Shawna 95, 17:49 band and row
    Josh P 166, 26:02 50 rx 100 snake
    Tim H 205, 19:24 snake and row
    Dave N 226, 35:42 rx
    Keith 315

  6. 6:30

    Conn 185 15:30(100)
    Matt E 175 32:35 mod
    Michal 97.5 17:22 mod
    Rachel 185 16:03 mod

    Dave S 210 15:32
    Eric R 135 18:36(106) mod
    Linda 75 20:59(120) mod
