
Team Scoring

  • The scoring for the 2015 KOP Team Competition will be similar to that of the real Crossfit Games, with 100 points going to the top athlete in the workout, 95 points for second, and so on.  The gap between the top places is higher (5 points) as a reward for an excellent performance in that workout.  As you get lower in the ranks, the gap between places eventually becomes 1 point.
  • Anyone who skips an event receives a score of 0 for that event, while anyone who attempts a workout is guaranteed to add at least 1 point to their team's total, but probably more.  For example, if 4 people in the gym skip a workout, then someone who comes in and attempts the workout will be adding at least 5 points to their team's total.  Every participant in the Open is helping their team, even if you don't manage a single rep.  Just give it your best!
  • Scores based on the Scaled workout will count 50% as much as scores based on an RX workout.  If a timed workout comes up, your time will be doubled to compare to the RX times.  You should be choosing weights and movements that are appropriate for you.  Those who can do the RX movements should do the RX workout and those who cannot should do the Scaled workout.  If you are right on the borderline and can't make up your mind, consider whether you can really do twice as many reps (or move twice as fast) in the Scaled workout before choosing that option.
  • You can alternate between RX and Scaled workouts.  If you choose the Scaled workout in 15.1, you are not forced to choose the Scaled workouts for the remainder of the Open.
  • Due to the unique nature of 15.1a, scoring will be done by gender on a slightly different scale.  In aggregate, the amount of points given out for that event is similar to what will be given out in normal workouts.
  • The team with the highest average score (since teams are slightly uneven) will be declared the champion at the end of 5 weeks.

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