
The Performance Program 2.0

Get to the Next Level of Fitness!

What? This will be an 8 week Strength and Conditioning Program that will be providing small group personal training and 4 Weeks of Individualized Programming.

This program will be very much individualized for each member attending but group oriented at the same time. That way you get the extra attention and detail you need. Many of us need a stronger focus on different areas of movements and conditioning. While we will all be performing together. Each of your individualized programs will have subtle differences depending on what is most important to improve.

We will focus on the Strength, Power, Speed as well as Bodyweight Movements (Specifically Pull-Ups, Push-Ups and HSPU) All levels and abilities are welcome, We will program to fit your level no matter where you are. This is great for those who have never put a focus on strength and technique, as well as those who have never put a focus on Conditioning…and if you have.. you can always learn and improve.

Cost? $500 for the 8 Weeks, the class will be capped at 10 athletes.

When? This session will begin on January 19th. We will run these classes on Monday and Thursday at 5:30pm. We will also have Saturday's weekly at 11:00am during Open Strength to use as a make up day, or to work on your Focus of the week.

What about Nutrition?
It will also coincide with our Nutrition challenge, which is a huge benefit. The nutrition portion will greatly benefit your body composition (how you look), as well as perform. Following the 8 week program, we will be sitting down with all members individually to chat and talk about the next step.

Who is it for? Whether you are the Ultra Fit-Light Weight-Metcon King who needs strength and technique work, the Bull Strong-Metcon Avoiding-Beast who needs endurance and conditioning work, or the brand new member! This is for you! We look forward to seeing you there!

How do I sign up?   Click here to sign up today.

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