
Nutrition 101

Why should I eat better?
If you start eating better TODAY you can stave off illness such as Heart Disease, Diabetes, Obesity and Hyperinsulinemia. Eating better can also help you look better, your body composition will change. You will look "toned" if you reduce the amount of fat in your body and increase lean muscle mass. Performance in the gym will also increase if you make smart choices about what to put in your mouth. You will have more energy, reduce anxiety and stress and may even avoid prolonged sickness with colds and flu.

What should I eat?
Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit little starch and no sugar. Keep intake levels to support exercise and not body fat -Greg Glassman

What can you do?
Start by keeping a food log, even take pictures of your food. Try a text support group, find a friend or two or three and start texting about what you are eating, going to eat and thinking about eating. It helps! I do it!

How can we at CrossFit King of Prussia help?
We are going to run a Nutrition Challenge beginning on Saturday 1/17 at 11:00 AM, if you want the support of the entire CrossFit KoP Community...JOIN US. We will have special guest speakers Dr. Kevin Turner, Laura Pappas and Aimee Lyons. We will start with measurements, then a brief workout (performance test) and finish with the details of the challenge and pot luck (bring some food and drink to share).  Optional $5 buy in, winner takes all. If you make the month ---you will get a FREE T-shirt!

Click here to sign up.

*There will also be a mini-kick off at 10:30AM on Friday 1/16 for anyone who cannot make it on the 17th. 

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