
W.O.D. 12.26.14


Partner Madness:

WOD 1 AMRAP in 8 Minutes: 
10 x 10m Shuttle 
Row for Cals 

 Rest 4 Minutes 

WOD 2 AMRAP in 8 Minutes:
50 Double-Unders
KB Snatches (53/35)

In these workouts, one partner performs the first movement while the other partner accumulates reps of the 2nd movement. When the first partner completes their shuttle runs or double-unders, partners switch movements. The score is total Calories and total KB Snatches.

 Community Notes: 
Join us for a FREE FRIENDS AND FAMILY WOD tomorrow 12/27 at 10:00AM. Following the workout there will be a brunch social at Taphouse 23, 266 E 4th Street Bridgeport, PA 19405.

“When you stop living your life based on what others think of you real life begins. At that moment, you will finally see the door of self acceptance opened.”
 ― Shannon L. Alder


  1. Express...
    Kevin 75
    Shane 95

    Team mcdevitt 119cal, 150 reps sc (Shane 35#, Kevin 18#, sux3)

  2. 3:30/4:30
    Justin 145
    Matt DC 105
    Jill a 85
    Regi 85
    Katelin NC 75
    Arieanne 65
    Taryn 75

    Justin(rx)/Matt(attempts/35) 140/115
    Jill/Regi 93/86 rx
    Katelin(26)/Arieanne(18) 80/150
    Taryn 49/:) su

  3. 9:30

    Chris NZ 135
    Mark R did wendler
    Mike S 80
    Sara 45
    Jenny 70
    Cline 95
    Manisha 40
    Mariam 35
    Alejandra 55
    Farah 63
    Jill H 63
    Kim G 50
    Dianne 65
    Brian H 140
    Rich 105

    Cline/Mariam 76/110
    Dianne/Kim 90/94
    Sarah/Jenny 82/100
    Farah/Mike 105/143
    Brian/Jill 105/121
    Manisha/Alejandra 70/145
    Mark/Chris NZ/Rich 223/178
