
W.O.D. 12.23.14

In front of a clock set for 12 minutes with a 135-lb. barbell:
1 minute of squat cleans
1 minute of push jerks
2 minutes of squat cleans
2 minutes of push jerks
3 minutes of squat cleans
3 minutes of push jerks

*We will consider female Rx @ 95#

Score is max reps in 12 minutes

3 Attempts at a Max L-Sit Hold

“Don't underestimate your worth by comparing yourself with others.”
 ― Jaachynma N.E. Agu, The Prince and the Pauper


  1. Brian H. 77 #95 (1:00 Max Plank)
    Justin D. 65 #75 (1:00 Max Plank)

    Rich A. 84 RX (21,23,26)
    Jeff 88 RX (15, 10)
    Jon P. 100 RX (14, 14)
    Nick 80 #115 (20,24,30)

  2. Nick Z. 216 Mod (32)
    Mark R. 60 Mod (10)
    Farah 90 #75 (20)
    Jackie 84 #75 (10)
    Jill A. 91 #75 (27)
    Rich P. 39 Mod (7)
    Fran 113 #40 (2)
    Beth (MD)
    Barb 121 #65PWR
    Pam 82 #75 (7)
    Jill H. 85 #55 (7)

  3. Shane 66 #95 (6)
    Fugo 98 MOD (17)

  4. JZ: 88 (85#)
    Roman: 104 (95#)
    Justin R: 83 (115#)
    Josh M: 74 (95#)
    Ly: 118 (53#)
    Kim: 74 (55#)
    Jill C: 36 (73# in 6 min)
    Keith: 104 (rx)
    Mike C: 69 (95#)
    Karen: 109 (45#)
    Joy: 102 (55#)
