
W.O.D. 7.3.14

AMRAP in 20 Minutes:
5 Thrusters (65/95)
7 Hang Power Cleans (65/95)
10 Sumo-Deadlift High Pulls (65/95)

"Fractures well cured make us more strong."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson


  1. Be careful where you invest your thoughts and feelings. If you tend to worry and become fearful of events that haven't happened yet then you're unconsciously creating that exact situation to happen. It works the other way as well; if you think that something will turn out for the best of have a positive outcome then it generally will. Thoughts become things!

  2. 6/7am
    Billy 9 (65#)
    Brian H 8 (65)
    King 8 Rx
    Peter Athlete of the Month 10+12 Rx
    Jon P 10 Rx
    Christine E formwork
    Jen F 7 (45)

  3. Gigi 15# 11 Rds
    Dianne 35# 7 +12 rds
    Alejandra 35# 7 rds
    Chris D 75# 6 +1 Rds
    Joy 45# 11 Rds
    Steph C 35# 11 Rds
    Nick Z 9 + 3 Rds (75#/GHD sub sdlhp)

    stay hydrated its a hot one today!

  4. "Only hot guys wear cardigans"

  5. nooner
    Travis 85# 7 + 21
    Pam 53# 9 +13
    Audrey 35# 6+5
    Jacob 3 Rx
    Michal 9 (45#)
    Dana 9 + 16 (45#)
    Alex 8 (75#)
    Derreck 6+2 Rx
    Jill A 8+10 55#
    Justin 6 + 11 Rx
    Keith 6 + 14 Mod 95#
    Tim Mcc 9 + 2 Rx
