
W.O.D. 7.10.14

“Mary” will serve as a benchmark for Gymnastics Month then we will run it again at the end of the month to see where your improvements and progress happen. Make sure to record scales and accomplishments to the blog and Total WOD for your records.

Gymnastics Skill Focus:
Take 15 Minutes to work on your Handstand Push-ups, Pull-ups and Pistols.

Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
5 Handstand Push-ups
10 One legged squats (pistols), alternating
15 Pull-ups

"Life isn’t about getting and having, it’s about giving and being."
–Kevin Kruse


  1. Any progress is better than no progress.

  2. "Well, the darkness is the absence of light, and the stupidity in that instance was the absence of me."

  3. 6/7am

    Peter W 7 scaled
    King 8 scaled
    Justin R 5 scaled
    Mike S 4 scaled
    Billy P 4 scaled

  4. 9:30 AM
    Fayth 6- (rom hspu, blue, RR, 17")
    Anne 6- (press 45#, 17", Band)
    Nick Z 7+13- (RR -13" SB)
    Alejandra 4 -(pushup, band 13"+10)
    Marni 6 + 15- (pushup, band, ball)

    Pam 4 +23- (17"/band/2AB)
    Chris 5 -(band, 17", 2AB)
    Sarah 5 +15 (17"band/PU)

    Fayth- great job in focus on the HSPU Kip and PU kip...pullup before summer end!
    Alejandra - great job kicking up to your first HS
    Marni - All around nice work,next time no ball for pistols
    Nick- GREAT pistols
    Anne- Way to work through a tough wod and your pistols got better by the end!

    Pam--Nice intensity throughout all moves!
    Chris- Good job working on the kip!
    Sarah - Improved Push-up, next we will get you upside down!

  5. 430pm
    Jill 7+20 (Abmat, ROM PU)
    Regi 6 RX
    Matt 4+20 PR! (20", SB)
    Nick 5 (SB, 20", 10 kip)
    Tim H. 6 (SB, Ring rows, 20")
    Liza 6+29 (Band, kickup, 17")
    Jenna 6+27 (green band, SB/kickup, 17"/13")
    Keith 6+1 (DB snatch)

  6. Regi---kudos for taking a spot on the top 3 board on this bench mark.

  7. Jenna - great job getting upside down!!!

  8. Track workout was steamy, and competitive once again.

    We did a few speed intervals to get that fast twitch back with a few old school movements every 200m as well...

    Christine E
    Sarah W
    Tim H
    Jen Solt

  9. 5:30

    John Mc 5+8 sb/box/band
    Patrick 6+21 box
    Flounder 6+1 sb/box/band
    Dana 5+29 rom/box/band
    Shawna 4+6 kick-up/box/band
    Audrey 7+11 rom/box/band

    John- mobility is paying off. Squat looked good in warmups and the intensity is always there!
    Patrick- HSPUs looked easy. Are you on the board for them?
    Flounder-Keep working on bringing your head through when kicking up to the wall. As soon as you master that you'll be able to stay up on the wall without a problem
    Dana- Way to come off the band mid WOD and stick to Rx pull-ups
    Shawna- Harder drive in the kip will get you all the way over pull-up bar. Think about kipping over the bar not just to it.
    Audrey- You're stronger than you think. Lighter bands and a lower box for the pistols next time
