
W.O.D. 6.3.14

Staff Sgt. Alexander G. Povilaitis, 47, of Dawsonville, Georgia, assigned to the 570th Sapper Company, 14th Engineer Battalion, 555th Brigade, was killed in action on May 31, 2012 in Kandahar Province, Afghanistan, when enemy forces attacked his vehicle with an improvised explosive device. He is survived by his wife, Kimberly, and two sons, Alexander Blaine and Danny. 

5 rounds for time of:
31 back squats, 95/135#
12 power cleans, 125/185#

Coaches Notes:
This is a Hero WoD and challenging at these Rx weights....Please scale load and reps as needed for intermediate and novice athletes. 

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear."
~Ambrose Redmoon



  1. Sometimes things move so fast we never pay attention to what is going on here and now. Stop every so often and really get a feel of what you are doing and why you're doing it. Even if it's not that stimulating of an activity, it will be enhanced!

  2. 6am

    Kim g 27:47 4 rounds 45/65
    Gina 25:02 65/55
    Justin R 34:58 95/165
    Pete 26:47 135/165
    Jon P 30:55 scaled
    Ellie H 18:33 55# ground
    Brian H 31:12 95/115
    Nick C 39:01 scaled
    Alona 23:25 85/75

  3. 12n

    Pam 24:57 75/83
    Audrey 23:51 (63/33)/53 3 rounds
    Gavin 22:30 75/95
    Nolan 22:51 43/53

  4. Aim: 26:50 (rx)
    Jenna: 28:00 (45/53#)
    Guils: 32:57 (rx)
    Jill: 30:06 (95/90#)
    Nick: 30:40 (85/65#)

    Aim: Well done...don't be afraid to push the limits
    Jenna: Courage and heart...way to finish
    Guils: At the end, we were 90% open...getting there
    Jill: You have unlimited potential, dont be afraid to go to that spot
    Nick: Better squats every time I watched you and your cleans progressed too!

    Nina: 15:12 (3 rds)
    Josh: 30:31 (85/105#)
    Tim Mc: 26:16 (135#)

    Nina: Smart scale and great to see you. You woman handled those cleans
    Josh: Love the squats, now we need patience on the clean
    Tim Mc: Great push at the end with multiple cleans, keep that mentality throughout.

  5. Nice job to all those who gutted out this tough wod today!

  6. Thanks to all the ladies at 4:30 for the ass whooping. It was thoroughly enjoyable, for once.

  7. 6:30 Mobility

    Mary Anne
    Ryan A

    Welcome Mary Anne to mobility and to King of Prussia!

    Brittany 11:20 95/65 1/2 SC
    Shannon 9:53 95/65# 1/2 SC
    Brett 31:09 135/155#
    Matt E 31:30 SC
    Rachel 25:28 95/75#
    Michal 33:4975/55#
    Steph C 19:30 65/55#
    Ryan A 31:42 SC?
    Kirill 25:11 115/95#

    This workout was definitely a burner! Hero WODs are always as mentally taxing as well as physically exhausting. Great job scaling tonight gang. I also am very happy to see that almost everyone hung out after class to stretch, roll, and assist me clean up. Thank you very much!

  8. Paul is still waiting on me to finish before posting them.

  9. 6:30pm
    matt b 30:12 115/155
    erika 18:50 63/73
    Derrek 33:44 Rx weights/4rounds

  10. Dave 41:42 (135/155)
    Rich 29:56 #75
    Joe 29:17 #95
    Jess 19:54 (53/63)
    Diane 23:54 (RX/95)
    Fugo 23:43 #45
    Susan 24:21 #65
    Nicole 19:25 #65

    Sorry for delay, yesterday was hectic as hell.
