
W.O.D. 6.14.14

5 rounds for time of:
400 meter run
65/95 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps 

Coaches Notes:
If you haven't done this bench mark lady yet, she's worth a try.  The overhead squat demands functional flexibility and core strength.  Anyone think they can take a spot on the board?

Community Notes:
Meet and Park at Frosty Falls today, classes will be in the Annex. 

"Don't find fault, find a remedy"
-Henry Ford


  1. Have a vision and an end result that you SEE and FEEL. Blaze your own path and dont let anyone tell you how it has to be done!

  2. "Your eyes can deceive you; don't trust them."

  3. Paul, did the shot of the 9am class on the flatbed trailer turn out? Let's see it! Thanks for the outdoor WOD. Awesome.

  4. Mark, Up on Facebook page!

    Kirill 14:39 #65
    Joe G. 23:40 #75 FS
    Alona 18:55 #55
    Jen S. 16:04 #15
    Sarah W. 19:20 #15
    Derreck 23:30 RX
    Brian 17:55 #65 FS
    Lisa 24: 17 #35
    Dana 17:16 #45
    Matt 19:54 #85 FS
    Mark 17:42 RX
    Matt B. 19:46 #75
    Regi 18:19 RX
    Michal 17:39 #35
    Rach 20:04 RX

    I genuinely had a blast coaching all of you today. We had some amazing weather, and got to do this all outside. Great job listening in regards to scaling today. All of you did great.
