
Competitor program

We are launching our NEW Competitor Program at CrossFit King of Prussia...think of this as a LAB for testing and pushing your limits.  If you are currently competing in local competitions or are interested in local and or regional throw-downs and the CrossFit Games, this class is for you.

This is open for CrossFit KoP members and Non-Members. You will increase your strength, endurance and flexibility, Improve your Olympic Lifting and Overall CrossFit ability. 

Who is The Program for? Anyone who wants to elevate their training and are serious about competing. While there are no entry standards to get into the competitor class, anyone interested should meet these two criteria: 1) RX almost if not all wods in terms of weight and can do most all of the advanced skills to some degree. 2) Are serious about wanting to compete and compete well in local competitions, the Opens, Regionals, and eventually the Games. 

When will the class meet?
7:00-9:00AM on Saturdays
10:30-12:00PM on Mondays
8:30-9:30 AM on Thursdays 
*classes start on June 7th. 

Join our team, lets get ready and take next year's open by storm!


  1. We realize that not everyone will be able to attend every class. The expectation will be that there will be "homework" to be completed throughout the week at strength class or before your normal workout schedule.
