
W.O.D. 5.29.14

Step ups
and babies!

20 Minute AMRAP of:
400m Sled Pull 95/135
Then in the remaining time complete as many rounds of:
15 Dumbbell Step Ups (20/24)
10 Dumbbell Walking Lunge
5 Dumbell Shoulder to Overhead
(Use 35/55# Dumbbells)

(Post total rounds completed to Total WOD)

Community Notes:
Pull-up Clinic today at 5:30PM with Aimee. Free for members, $20 drop in for non-members.  This will be held in the Annex.

"I'm grateful for being here, for being able to think, for being able to see, for being able to taste, for appreciating love--for knowing that it exists in a world so rife with vulgarity, with brutality and violence, and yet love exists. I'm grateful to know that it exists." 
- Maya Angelou


  1. For our CFE Track workout tomorrow at 5:30, I took this from the CF Main Page from May 17th....

    Run 1600m
    rest 3min
    Run 1200m
    rest 2min
    Run 800m
    rest 1min
    Run 400m

  2. When we believe in assisting and empowering others we actually change the direction our lives take. We attract different situations, people and events into our everyday experiences. We literally recreate our life AND luck. So yes, you 100% make your own luck!

  3. I will get the scores later but I wanted to comment now.

    Mike S: Good to see you getting back into action. Smart weight selection and great STO.

    John P: Pleasure to meet you and welcome to KoP. Your step-ups were legit, and very determined.

    gIna: I liked the knees out on your dip drives. Woman-handled the weight!

    King: You met your match and you dominated it. Super intensity with great form.

    Michal: All around great effort. I do not think you stopped moving and I loved how you corrected your air squat in warm-up. Awesome.

  4. 7am:

    Matt E 3 35# 1st class!!
    Paul M. 4+14 25#
    Rebecca R. 5+22 25#
    Pete 4+15 45#
    Sarah 7 15#
    Nick 4 40#

    Great job this am!!! Paul, thanks for dropping in! Matt, welcome to the 7's:)

  5. Michal: 5+3 (15#)
    King: 5+6 (45#)
    Gina: 6+8 (20#)
    John P: 4+14 (45#)
    Mike S: 3+23 (20#)

  6. 930am

    Lisa 5+15 (20# 13")
    Darcy 5 (15#)
    Alejandra 5+15 (10# 13" 45#pull)
    Lizzie 5+13 (20#)
    Diane 4+11 RX
    Jonathan 7 (25# 1000m Row)
    Kathleen 5+19 (15# 17")

  7. 9:30 crew way to pull together to help Diane get through the last 5 minutes! Camaraderie was awesome!

    Did you sign up for the King and Queen yet? If you don't know how to do it online, I'll start a sign in at the box too!

  8. 12:00
    Gavin 4+4 (25#/20")
    Sharon 2 + 12 (25#/20")

    Gavin- solid work on the Push Jerks and keeping the shoulder active.
    Sharon- You made the step ups look easy even though I know they aren't....

  9. Kate 3+ 20 (15#)
    Jill 5+5 (25#)
    Ryan 4+7 (35#)
    Alex 4 + 5 (25#)
    Liza 7 (15#)
    Keith :)
    Jenna 4+25 (15#)
    Joe 3+5 (45#)
    Roman 5+5 (35#)
    Taryn 5 (25#)
    Troy 5 +1 (20#)

    ...and great Pull-up crew tonight...see you next week for HSPU's!

  10. 5:30

    Jacob 5+15@25 10 lunge/15 S2OH per round
    Jessie S 7+6 @15
    Patrick 4+10 @ 45
    Stephanie C 6+15@15
