
CrossFit Endurance Update

For the Endurance Track Workout Thursday 4/17 we will be doing a baseline early season 1 Mile Time Trial at 5:30pm. Come out and see how fast you can run a mile on the track, and then afterwards we complete a few sprint intervals in to complete the workout. The weather will be perfect... supposedly 60 and sunny, with little wind. The purpose is to see what you can run a controlled mile in, and also to re-test in another 6 weeks if you choose. Sign up in Mindbody and meet Coach Pappas at the Track!


  1. When is the last time you did something that scared you? I mean really terrified you? How long ago was it, what was it and what was the end result? Plan to do something this week or weekend that tests your fortitude. Then come back here and post about it. Oh and keep it PG gang!!!

  2. When is the last time you did something that scared you? I mean really terrified you? How long ago was it, what was it and what was the end result? Plan to do something this week or weekend that tests your fortitude. Then come back here and post about it. Oh and keep it PG gang!!!

  3. Hey,2 x Body-weight back-squat for Endurance athletes? That's probably above the average of most CrossFitters who focus more on strength than endurance. I'm 75kg and back-squat 155kg. All my friends that are "Endurance" athletes couldn't even rack that on their back. Surely 1-1.5 x Body-weight would be more realistic for runners/swimmers/riders.Thank you so much!!!
    Crossfit Clothing
