

6:00AM Results

Kate cleans
 The Bar-bulls hit PR's


Cash out:
Four - 500 Meter Row intervals with 1:00 rest between rounds.  Record time to complete each round.

Community Notes:
Week one of the OPEN is finished, 14.1 is in the books.  We will be tabulating scores and determining your teams placement soon.  This week we will be running the OPEN WOD at ALL classes on Friday March 7th.  If you cannot make any of the Friday sessions, 6/7/9:30AM/12/3:30/4:30/5:306:30PM then please email and let us know what time you need.
CrossFit King of Prussia is hosting a Level 1 Seminar this weekend and ALL classes will be held in the Annex.

You have to have confidence in your ability, and then be tough enough to follow through.
-Rosalynn Carter


  1. Shawna and Julius....email or text me your phone number and email to crossfitkop@gmail.com or 973-885-8728. Got some red team business :)

  2. we have to log in again to comment?

  3. Kara 106 PR
    Christ 103 PR
    Diane 140
    Jonathan 160 PR
    Preston 225 PR
    Jackie 115
    Barb 85
    Rich P. 155 PR

    *Kara and Chris- Really worked hard today and pushed each other to break that 100lb mark.
    *Diane and Jonathan- Well, Jonathan got you today....Lets just say you were tired from the 315 PR Back Squat last night.
    *Preston- Dropping on from my favorite state, Maine. Welcome bro, good job on that PR today.
    *Jackie- If the bar were any closer it would be in your unborn child's throat.
    *Barb- Cleans looked great, we will work on that squat don't worry! You made the row your bitch.
    *Rich- Good Job today man, way to get lower instead of leaving.

  4. Ha. Who tampered my results... my first row was 2:04. Not that I am going for the gold or anything, just an FYI :)

  5. if your clean didn't go as well as you liked (or even if it did and you want to learn the minutest of the minute details of the clean AND jerk), I heard a coach is running a CJ clinic on March 30th...I also heard you can sign up here:


  6. Paul thanks for giving me an excuse..but lets just say the truth..i SUCK at cleaning..and Chris I was probably the first one to.sign up for the clinic

  7. Diane--I thought you were really good at "cleaning"???

  8. Aimee if I cleaned houses as horrible as I cleaned the bar I'd be broke and out of business!

  9. BALLS!!! The board got erased before I took my pic. I think your weights were:

    Tim H 205
    Shawna 85
    Josh form

    Stasie 65
    Erika 135
    Joe G 185

    If you remember your Interval 500m row times please post to comments.

  10. my clean was 90# and my row splits were 2:32

  11. Jeff 255
    Olan 195
    Nick 195
    Steve NY
    Keith 305 FORM
    Shannon 115
    Audrey Form
    Fayth 115 PR
    Anne 95
    Rachel 125 PR
    Steph 100 PR
    Joe C. 215 PR
    Regi 115
    Travis FO1R8M5
    Ryan 345

  12. Gavin 125, 158
    Bre form 158
    Stacy 110pr, 2:15
    Lauren form, :)
    Fran 55, 2:15
    Pam form, 2:00
