
14.2 Team Recap

14.2 was yet another lung burner.  Most were surprised and scared to see another ascending ladder so early in 2014.  Ascending ladders are awful because the better you are, the more pain you have to endure.  14.2 also included two pretty high skill level movements, C2B and OHS.  A lot of new CrossFitters struggle with both of these movements and even those that have been doing it a long time may have cringed if they have not been working on their weaknesses.  With high skill movements appearing yet again, HQ is clearly sending a message to practice what you hate to see come out of the hopper.  For the best in the game, the weight is a distraction and those with butterfly pullups are the ones that will have the best scores.

At KoP, the Red team pulled out the victory, taking the lead in the overall competition.  It does not hurt that they are captained by the highest male and female score in weeks one and two.  Team Green gets the GD it award for having 3 members within 2 reps of making it to the next round.  Had they done that, they could have potentially taken home the title this week.  It pays to go as hard as you can because you just never know.  I have visions of Sam B's failure to get into the next round of Fran by literally hundreds of a second.  Next time Team Green.

Congratulations to Shawna who worked hard and got her first OHS at 65#!!!

With three weeks to go, it is still anyone's game.  What will come out of the hopper next?  There have only been a few exercises to get pulled each year so expect wall balls, toes to bar, box jumps, deadlifts or muscle-ups to come out this week.  What do you want to see?

Red Aimee 134 Tim P 142 Julius 0 Travis 34 Jen S 37 Ryan B 116 Shawna 1 Steve Z 0 Jonathan 34 SUM- 498 AVERAGE - 55.3 (Total = 247.4)

Green Jason 66 KT 87 Pete W 86 Kwon 87 Wax 79 Mike S 8 Tracey 10 Gina 29 Jen Fugo 4 Sue K 0 SUM  456 AVERAGE -45.6 (Total = 227.8)

Yellow Tobin 122 Alona 16 Flounder 36 Pam 30 McCan 124 Tre 0 Diane 10 Regi 20 Faby 83 SUM 441 AVERAGE- 49.0 (Total = 217.0)

Black Keith 131 Dave N 18 Ditty 13 Jess C 75 Patrick 69 Olan 69 Laura 15 Miranda H 34 SUM 424 AVERAGE- 53 (Total = 243.5)

Blue King 112 Justin R 38 John 10 Kelly 0 Andrea 79 Chip 73 Plentus 73 Westwood 0 Rachel W 10 SUM 395 AVERAGE- 43.9 (Total = 238.6)


  1. Great job red team, keep up the hard work.

  2. Great job red team, keep up the hard work.

  3. Great job red team, keep up the hard work.

  4. Way to go team Red! Kudos to Jonathan too for coming back for a redo and second round for 4 points for his team!

  5. good job red team...BLUE TEAM, we gotta step it up for 14.3, .4, and .5! Maybe even literally if there are box step ups...

  6. Happy birthday to P. You don't look a day past 30.
