

Welcome to Chio! 


EMOM for 10 Minutes:
3 Deadlifts @ 85% of your 5 RM
5 Handstand Push-ups

What Makes a Great CrossFit Member? by Chris P.

Community Notes:

Click here to register for the CrossFit Kids Course at CrossFit King of Prussia on 5/3 and 5/4.


The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can’t find them, make them.

– George Bernard Shaw


  1. 6/7am
    Luke S 195
    King 195
    Roni 180
    Peter 315
    Klutch 335

  2. Paw stand push ups. Regionals are coming

  3. 1) Snowmageddon is cancelled...thank god
    2) I love power, fun when you are candlelit but power is nice
    3) I am sore
    4) My child hates sleep
    5) Looking forward to wine and cheopino.

  4. 9:30
    Keith 425
    Susan 173
    Jonathan 235
    Diane 245

  5. Noon - Joe & His Strong Ladies :)

    Kathleen 135# Sumo
    Audrey 75#
    Chio 175#
    Kate F 80#
    Jill 125#
    Ronnie 130#
    Joe G 260#
    Pam 165#

    Great improvements on form today all around to everyone! Especially on focusing the use of your glutes and hammies as opposed to your quads and back.

    Some good mobility today - get that lacrosse ball in your glutes and do some good mornings!

  6. 530
    Tim H 295
    Shawna 140
    Stasie 185
    Mike Fr 215
    Jen F 125
    Stacy 135

  7. 1) work has been super busy
    2) I love the deadlift
    3) wish I never said the word dog on this blog
    4) upper merion is a mess
    5) 4 of my hospitals did not have power yesterday
    6) batteries are very important
    7) I love pizza combos, my go to snack when on the road
    8) your brain is only as good as its weakest cell, I drink to kill off the weak links
    9) 6 days off sucked, being back is great
    10)I made it to 10

  8. Roman 300#
    Regi 155#
    Marci 73#
    Travis 335#
    Joy 200#

  9. And congrats to Pam who got her first strung kipping pullups today! Wooohooo!!!! I'm so proud of you!
