

Tony Blauer visits KoP!

AMRAP in 12 Minutes:
1 Handstand Push-up
5 Box Jumps (20/24")
7 Sumo-deadlift High Pulls (65/95#)

2 Handstand Push-ups
5 Box Jumps
7 Sumo-deadlift High Pulls

3 Handstand Push-ups
5 Box Jumps
7 Sumo-deadlift High Pulls

4 Handstand Push-ups
5 Box Jumps
7 Sumo-deadlift High Pulls

...continue increasing each round by 1 Handstand Push-up until the 12 Minute time-cap has elapsed. Your score will be total number of full rounds and reps.

Community Notes:
All weekend classes (2.15 and 2.16) will be held in the Annex 110C DeKalb. There will be NO CFKids at 10AM on Saturday.

Don't forget to sign up for the Crock Pot Cookoff at 1:00PM on 2/22. Click here to find out more and sign up.

"Deliberation is the work of many men. Action, of one alone."
-Charles de Gaulle



  1. Can someone recommend a good post wod kibble?

  2. 0600, amazing job in this freezing cold weather!
    KT: 6+5 RX
    Erika: 7+1 SC
    Roni: 6+12 RX
    Luke: 7+10 SC
    Tracy: 6+7 SC
    Todd: 8+18 RX
    Tobin: 9+5 RX (Killed it buddy!)
    Steve: 8 SC
    Pete: 9 RX (Awesome job!)

  3. FREE passes for Pompeii for UA King of Prussia Stadium 300 Goddard Blvd. KoP (tonight Feb 12th at 7:30PM) pick up the passes at the gym tonight.

  4. 9:30 ladies. LOVE IT! You guys did great today!
    Keith: 11 +3
    Susan: 9 SC
    Roni: 11 SC
    Stacy: 9 + 15 SC (GREAT meeting you today!)

    Enjoy the winter weather tomorrow!

  5. 1) I went from only a few double unders strung to 23 last night.
    2) Another winter storm, how awesome.
    3) Went out and got the essentials last night, liquor store was packed
    4) After this storm I'm done with winter
    5) Great conditions for skiing
    6) It sounds like many areas are running out of rock salt for the roads
    7) On the rock salt note the roads are horrible with potholes

  6. Nooner
    Bre- 5 Rds +2 Rx
    Barb 9 Rds + 2 Rx
    Jill 5 Rds +12 53# (kick ups)
    Audrey 5 Rds +11 45# 2AB
    Gavin 7 +13 75#

    Congratulations to Jill for consistent kick-ups on the wall and a stable position!

  7. I sooo didn't do this RX. I scaled every single part of it :)

  8. Carl - kibble's filled with corn and animal byproducts, not at all paleo. you should just catch yourself a juicy mouse.

  9. Thanks Ray. I thought no one was reading my posts

  10. I have been Carl, and I'm disappointed...I've done my research and according to it, you don't even lift.

  11. Speaking of Paleo, did you know that none of the elite level Crossfitters follow a strict Paleo diet? Skip the mice and kibbles and go straight for the tree bark....

  12. 4:30
    Travis 10 Rnds/ Ring Rows (due to shlder issues)
    Joe C 9 75# ROM
    Kate F 6 SC
    Joy 9 SC
    Regi 8 RX


    Rebecca L ??
    Jen F 8+6 53#
    Patrick 8+14 RX
    Samson 6+3
    Brandon 10 SC
    Shawna ??
    Joe G 6+12 RR
    Alona 8+12 SC
    Roman 8+2 RX

    Welcome Rebecca to her 2nd class and was crushing kickups today... Her first time on the wall!


    Conn 7 SC
    Melissa 7
    Jess SSS 9 SC
    Laura 10 KBS
    Stasie 7 SC

    Nice work tonight Melissa working on your kickups and to Laura for RXing the HSPU"S!!


    Brittany 9+10
    Steph C 7+2
    Fayth 8+9 SC
    Anne 8+6 SC 55#

    Great work today everyone! You really kept up the intensity and found a good pace to keep throughout the WOD. Also I saw a lot of "AH-HA!" moments tonight which is always awesome to experience!

  13. I forgot to record my number on the board! Still learning the ways!! I got to 9 scaled rounds. Thanks to Tim for talking me through the moves!!! Can't wait to improve!
