
Strength Class (BBC) Info and Updates

WE are hearing your requests and suggestions and making strides to accommodate them:
Starting March 1st we will offer the Strength class you all wanted on Sundays at 11:00AM....so there will NOW be a Strength class (Bridgeport Barbell Club) every day of the week:

Monday 7:30PM
Tuesday 5:30PM
Wednesday 5:30PM
Thursday 6:30PM
Friday 6:30PM
Saturday 11:00AM
Sunday 11:00AM

Don't forget... we also offer a Structured Strength class on:
Monday 6:30PM
Tuesday 10:30AM
Wednesday 7:00AM

The new Sunday 11:00AM class and ALL strength classes (BBC) will last for an hour and thirty minutes so there is enough time to complete your programming. 

The 11AM Kids class on Sunday will now occur at 1:00PM

We have placed an additional order of NEW equipment for the ANNEX so there will be enough bars and weight there. 

All classes in the ANNEX (Strength or Regular) will be capped at 12 people. Coaches are responsible for a "role call" to make sure the athletes who signed up are there and if they are not in attendance other athletes who showed up (but didn't sign up) will have the opportunity take their spot.

OPEN Gyms (which usually occur on the first Sunday of the month from 11-1PM) will not be held in the ANNEX if there happens to be a Seminar on the first Sunday of the month.  On those weekends Open gym will be pushed back to the second weekend of the month and be held in the main gym. Click here or use the calendar on the side bar of the blog for updates.

Remember that Open gyms are FREE to all members as a thank you for enabling us to host Seminars.  These represent a great opportunity for "Make-up WOD's". 

We are working on getting a few Space Heaters for the Annex...to keep you WARM until Spring arrives.