

 Team D.T.!
 6 AM Front Squatters!

Front Squat

3 Rounds for time of:
5 Front Squats @ 85% of your 5RM
15 Burpees
1 Rope Climb

Community Notes:
All weekend classes will be held at the Annex 110C DeKalb Street, meet and park there for class.  CrossFit Kids "cubs" class at 10AM on Saturday will be cancelled. 

To succeed, jump as quickly at opportunities as you do at conclusions.
-Benjamin Franklin


  1. Shout out to Ellie, she got her first ever strict pull up at structured strength on Monday night!!

  2. 6am
    Tobin 245, 8:12
    Peter 205, 4:58
    King 175, 5:55

  3. Random thoughts...

    1) Beav? Beav?
    2) I like the Niners this week
    3) 2010 Hillside Select was rated 100 by Robert Parker
    4) I strive to lose 3 pounds a month for 12 months
    5) I am really into Pink Floyd right now
    6) P takes nice pictures
    7) My family is awesome
    8) Last night was a good game
    9) I suck at knowing my schedule
    10) I like earth tones the best

  4. 1) I choose to not care about earth tones
    2) That was a great game last night
    3) You like the niners every week
    4) SF, SEA, Denver, NE
    5) I hate the front squat, but I will show up today
    6) I also need to slow down on eating and drop some lbs
    7)I'm reading lone survivor and enjoying it
    8) it's about time you contributed to the blog
    9) Pink floyd has been my favorite band since I was 14
    10)Dogs- originally titled "you've got to be crazy" best song!!!

  5. Gang - Due to the cold we are going to try to run all classes in the Main Gym tonight. Including Kids at 4:30PM and Strength at 5:30PM, if you have any issues or questions we can open the Annex but we assume you will prefer to be warm...if not speak to the coach of the class.

    We are working to get another heater in the Annex so this won't be a problem in the future, but we don't often get down 5 degrees!

  6. Prospective BarBulls,
    Link to sign up is here: https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/ASP/home.asp?studioid=7174

    Johnny K, not sure if you are on social media, so hopefully you see this

  7. We are building a nation of wusses. Today's cash out should be- Stand outside for time!

  8. Matt B: 185, 9:08 (net/pulls)
    Anne B: 85, 8:06 (pulls)
    Regi: 90, 7:05 (net)
    Ryan: 315, 7:37 (scale)
    Olan: 165, 8:20 Rx

  9. 12n
    gavin 145, 8:10 125#
    pam 120, 9:25 105#/cargo

  10. 12n
    gavin 145, 8:10 125#
    pam 120, 9:25 105#/cargo

  11. Diane 205
    Brett 225
    Steph 85
    Rachel 115 Bench

  12. 5:30

    Johnny 185 6:04 Rx
    Oleg 185 7:02 Rx
    Tracy 110 8:50 RP
    Jill 110 6:57 RP
    Dave C 185 7:15 RP
    Tim P 205 5:39 Rx


    Dave N 195 9:25 Rx
    Balmer 245 --- Rx (i didn't write your time) sorry!!!
    Ellie 105 7:25 Rx time called at bottom
    Seshu 155 6:52 RP

  13. I think WW is hurt. That is what I was told.

  14. WW was in last week, he's a big banged up. Working his way back.
