

HUGE congratulations to Marci for getting up the rope for the first time...
 and to CHIP or getting that 125# DB over his head #barbulls!

Mixed Tabata
Toes to Bar and Wall Ball (14/20# all to 10')
Deadlift (95/135) and Double Under
Kettlebell Swing and Goblet Squat (35/55#) 

This Tabata (20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds rest) will consist of 16 rounds for each couplet with alternating movements. You will be allowed 10 seconds to transition from each couplet.

Your score will be total reps for entire workout 48 rounds of Tabata.

Cash Out:
3 Rope Climbs
(Not for time-work technique, if you have mastered the rope climb, work on L-rope Climbs or legless rope climbs)

Community Notes:

All weekend classes will be held in the Annex (110C DeKalb).  There will be no CrossFit Kids class (Cubs) on Saturday at 10AM. CrossFit KoP values our members and their opinions.

If you would like to provide feedback on our coaches, facility, business or a workout you haven't seen in awhile click here for a 100% anonymous way to communicate with Aimee and Jason.  This link is also listed on the side bar of the blog for your convenience.

Don't forget about OPEN gym on Sunday from 11-1PM in the Annex. Open and FREE to members to come in and work on a missed WOD, Skill or Strength.

 Click here for the February events at CFKoP.

I know for sure that what we dwell on is who we become.
- Oprah Winfrey


  1. 52 squares left. Let's fill them up. Thanks.

  2. As a thank you to all members, I would once again like to offer a free lecture called, What is CrossFit. This lecture is based on what was orginally taught by Coach Glassman in the early days of CrossFit. It is about 45 minutes long and will give you a detailed over view of what CrossFit is, why it works, and why we believe it is changing the world. It will also help you explain to your friends what the heck you are doing. In the past, about 10 people came out per lecture. I would like to see that number much higher as I think everyone could benefit. Please let me know what day of the week works better...late night weekday or weekend? If you attending before, please feel free to share your thoughts.

  3. 6/7
    Balmer 483
    Tobin 553 Rx
    KT 527 Rx
    Peter W 598 Rx
    Steve Z 434 sc
    Melissa P 527 sc/ SU rounds 2/3

  4. 9:30-
    Nick 521
    Jonathan 500
    Jen S 404 Rx
    Jen F 394
    Jill :)

    Nice job 9:30 on a grueling tabata!

  5. Noon PT:
    Pam 561 SU
    Congrats on Pam's first kipping toes to bar!

  6. Keith 515 RX
    Flounder 516
    Lp 563
    Ryan S 547
    Alina 333
    Miranda 467 sc
    Brianna ----
    Derrick 353
    Steph C form
    Zack 457
    Chio form
    Mike F

  7. 4:30

    Regi 311 su 26/75
    Liza 270 su 18/65
    Patrick 200 Rx
    Marci 267 18/55 su
    Roman 227 Rx
    Travis 332 315/70 su
    Stacy 325 26/70 su
    Carmen 35/115 su
    Joe G 270 44/135 su

    I misunderstood the program and had this class alternate each couplet through 8 intervals rather than 16. Which resulted in only using 12 minutes rather than 24. Sorry for the mix up!!!

  8. Hi Jason,

    I would like to attend the 'What Is CrossFit' lecture. Normally weeknights after 6:30 work best for me. Thanks.
