
January Athlete of the Month

Congratulations Shannon!

Hometown: Collegeville, PA

Current Location: Trooper, PA

Age: 30

Occupation: Cosmetologist

College: Montco

How long have you been a CrossFitter? January will be 1 year
Did you ever play sports? Yes.  Softball, Field Hockey, Basketball, Volleyball, and Lacrosse.  I played travel ball for Softball from 4th grade to high school.

Got some cool (or uncool) hobbies you'd like to share?  I like to re-do furniture.  People call me Mrs. Fixit.  Always knew my way around the house.  Enjoy playing with my children and hanging out with family and friends.

What is your biggest achievement at CrossFit?  Believing in myself and knowing that i am capable of doing anything I put my mind to.

What do you feel that you still need to work on?  Overhead squats,  getting under the bar and quicker elbows.

Goals for the new year? Be able to do a strict pull up with no band,  getting in the 300 club for deadlifts and becoming stronger.  I would love to put my name on the white board.

What's your favorite WOD?  Anything that involves deadlifts and back squats.

How about your favorite food/snacks?  I love pizza and any kind of candy.

What is the craziest workout outside of CF you have ever done?  I completed a 10k run Norcross Bridge Run in 2012.

What’s your least favorite WOD?  Anything that has to do with running and box jumps.

Favorite lift/movement?  Deadlift

What’s your least favorite lift/movement?  Anything with Overhead.

What skill have you been working on in 2013 the most ?  I have been working on my back squats and becoming more efficient with my clean and jerks.

Whats your favorite piece of workout "gear"?  My polka dot wrist bands given to me by Kate Kenny as a PR present for my clean and jerks.

What you say is your biggest improvement since starting CF?  Being able to show up for a WOD and not be intimidated and doing the WOD and getting the workout done.

Who is your favorite coach?  I enjoy taking classes with all the coaches.  In the past year, most of my classes have been with Keith and Paul.  I Would have to say that Paul is my favorite coach because he was always there to push me and make me believe in myself.  He has shown and taught me so much about the movements in Crossfit and has taken the time to work with me, no questions asked.  I want to say that all the coaches are great in KOP in their own specials ways.
PR's to mention? Goals Reached? Nutrition highlights? My 125 lb clean and jerk, 275 lb deadlift, 105lb bench press and 210 lb back squat are my PR's.  I started taking nutrition classes with Aimee on the Zone Diet.
I would like to thank all the KOP coaches for nominating me as the AOTM and always believing in me. I would like to say we are a great community and family here and have some extremely talented coaches as well.  I feel extremely honored and blessed.  I am looking forward to our new endeavors in 2014. Love you all!!!!!


  1. yeah Shannon, this is awesome! Congrats on AOTM, well deserved!

  2. Congratulations Shannon! Those are some amazing accomplishments!!!! Keep up the good work!
