

"Dirty Diane"
Deadlifts (185/275#)
Handstand Push-ups

This is our bench mark workout "Diane" turned "dirty" by adding a little extra weight!

Community Notes:
Good luck to all the CFKoP athletes competing the Hook Grip Classic hosted by the Liberty Barbell Club this weekend at CrossFit Center City...Keith, Faby, Gene, Jim C, Justin H and Kate K... Head out to cheer them on if you have time!

OPEN GYM will occur tomorrow, Sunday 10/6 from 11AM-1PM.  This is free for all members and a time to work on any missed wods, strength or skill.
“A trophy carries dust. Memories last forever.”
– Mary Lou Retton

1 comment:

  1. 9AM

    Al Zone 7:58 185 SB
    Flounder ?
    Petersen 11:00 225 Sb
    Roni 8:16 145 Form SB
    Sharon 12:16 185 SB
    Diane 8:06 185 SB
    Derreck 8:16 SB
    Dinger 9:20 155 SB
    Kyle 6:56 275# SB
    Lee 9:03 105 SB
    Jen Fugo 8:59 75 SB


    Patrick 10:05 225
    Nicole F 6:08 93 SB
    Mark C 12:22 225 ROM
    Joe SR 9:08 205/SB
    Lauren 5:50 63 SB
    Rachel W 7:24 93 SB
    Sara S 5:39 83 SB
    Jessi W 7:00 85 SB
    JNA 7:25 115 PU
    Rob D 9:20 185 SB
    Oleg 8:34 275 SB
