

Run 800 meters
63 Kettlebell swings (35/55#)
36 Sit-ups
Run 400 meters
42 Kettlebell swings (35/55#)
 24 Sit-ups
Run 200 meters
21 Kettlebell swings (35/55#)
12 Sit-ups
"It's easier to go down a hill than up it but the view is much better at the top."
-Henry Ward Beecher


  1. 6am'er

    Justin R 18:15 Rx
    Paul 17:46 Rx
    Peter W 15:24 Rx
    Gina 16:26 Rx
    Roni 16:16 Rx
    Kim G 17:46 Rx
    Erika 19:20 Rx
    Ellie 16:30 Rx
    Lauren M. 18:26 Rx
    Nora 19:55 Rx
    Kyle W 14:01 Rx
    Mike S 22:02 44#kb
    Becca N. 26.5# kb
    Alex 20:06 45#

    Great conditioning workout gang- shout out to Kyle W. who has been doing consistant track workouts for 3 months, and just purely hammered this WOD.

  2. Joy 8:27 1/2reps
    Rich 22:53 35
    Ann 23:14 26
    Fayth 23:59 Rx (first RX!)
    Jonathan 15:51 35
    Beth O 23:02 18
    Sue 23:22 18
    Jill 20:23 26
    CHip 8:45 1/2reps
    Manisha 20:47 momma scale
    Dawn 20:35
    GG 19:34 9 (800m w/gavin)

  3. Noon
    Rinat 16:48 RX
    Sam M 17:54 45#
    Bri 17:08 18#
    Rachael 22:00 RX

    Nice job on sticking with the swings gang! I know that the grip goes FAST on these things.

  4. I did this one at Firebreather Fitness open gym this morning
    Susan 17:08 rx

  5. 7:30

    Brett 18:07 Rx
    Jody 19:50 35#
    Seshu 19:56 35#!
    Jaime 19:57 26#
    Shannon 17:44 26#
    Bridget 19:27 26#
    Alona 15:45 Rx
    Linda 20:21 26#
    WW 17:27 44#
    Tara 20:27 26#, sub situps

  6. 5:30

    Kevin Y 16:51 Rx
    Killa 15:13 Rx
    Ryan S 17:14 Rx
    Kevin W 27:50 36 rom
    George 18:10 35
    Tom C 19:19 Rx
    Travis 18:35 Rx
    Megs 16:19 Rx
    Ken 22:37 26
    Dee 17:28 Rx
    Jill 17:20 26
    Laura 15:38 Row


    Johnny 21:22 Rx
    Bre 17:58 Rx
    Greg 22:09 45
    Mike C 18:10 35
    Matt B 19:03 Rx
    Derreck 18:36 Rx
    Jeremy 21:21 Rx
    Klutch 17:39 Rx
    Heather 15:46 Rx
    Jesse 17:08 Rx
    Oleg 14:56 Rx
    Jess C 16:21

  7. Hey my KB weight was 26 not 18, can you change it please :) Sue L

  8. 4:30pm
    JZ 18:13 45#
    Marni 19:20 26#
    Tracy 18:04 rx - 1st RX WOD!
    Nick 13:52 26#
    Joe G 21:33 44#
    Dave 20:02 rx
