

The Honey Badger's "Cousin" 
(similar to last years honey badger,  but smaller, furrier and won't leave as bad of a bite!)

In teams of 6 or more complete the following:
3 Rds for Time:
100 Sit-ups
100 Clean and Jerks (95/65#)
100 Buddy Pullups
400m Team Run with 2 tire flips

Coaches Notes:
During this WOD, 4 members of the team can be working at once.  When performing buddy pullups, four members working equates to 2 members on the bars and 2 members pushing them up.  If two teams get to the tire at the same time, the team getting there first has the right of way.

"Silence is one of the great arts of conversation."
-Hannah More

 Mr. T (Jerry, Andrew, Luke, Sarah, Lauren, Kathleen) 42:49 (1:47)
Liberty Bells (Nora, Sanajy, Walter, Ian, Jody, Steve) 42:24 (2:12)
Betafesk (Vinny, Keith, Sarah, Kelli, Sara, Becca, Joy, Jessie) 40:50 (1:50)
Uncle Sam (Ryan, Balmer, Julius, Alison, Megs, Andrea) 31:25 (1:48)
Nathans Hot Dogs (Dave, John, Troy, Danielle, Agam, Justin, Becky) 42:08 (1:33)
4 Stars and their Stripes (Gina, Heather, Diane, Troy, Sam, Paul) 46:54 (1:42)
Will Smith (Fayth, Anne, Mark, Sharon, Stan) 53:30 (1:39)
X-Factor (Erika, Brian, Oleg, Albert, Rich, Mike) 41:55 (1:49)

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