

Five rounds for time of:
40 Double-unders
30 Box jumps, 24/20 inch box
20 Kettlebell swings, 35/55#
10 Dumbbell Snatch  (5R/5L- alternating) 55/70#

"Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength." 
-Arnold Schwarzenegger


  1. I remember this.
    We did it in reverse last summer.

  2. 6am
    Mike T 24:18 rx
    KT 28:13 Rx
    JK 27:59 SU/26/15
    Kim G 32:40 SU/35
    Mike S 26:05 3R/30DU/44/30
    Lam 35:06 55
    Tracy 29:57 SU/17/26/20
    Justin R 36:35 rx
    Seshu 27:43 SU/26/30
    Megs 28:54 40
    Gina 32:12 StepUp/35
    Paul D 35:10 SU/55#

    Chip 20:05 3R sc
    Recbecca DNF
    Alona 29:23 step up/40
    Peterson 28:16 55
    Pete 25:15 Rx

  3. 9:30
    Ryan B 27:09 rx
    Tony 27:27
    Diane 28:51
    Rich 28:38
    Andrea 25:39
    Joy 29:04
    Beth 29:45
    Fran 26:07
    Sue L 29:27
    Allison 29:05
    Rinat 23:34
    Steph C. 26:32
    Fayth 29:52
    Ann 30:38
    Barb 30:15
    Jonathan 28:50
    Joe G. 35:12
    Steph I. 30:32
    Dawn 32:05

    Cate 27:32 rx
    Susan 30:01 scale

  4. 12noon
    BJ 31:45 RX
    Briana (1st Class) 31:39 SU/17/26/25
    Jill 37:40 SU/26/20
    becky 39:42 35

    3:30 THE MARKY MARC Funky Bunch
    Mark B 17:00 3R/SU/45/55
    Mark C. 27:36 20DU/55/60
    Marc (CFLV) 24:49 Rus/60

    Faby 25:29 Rx
    Denise 28:05 4R/40
    Wegman 27:45 SU/60
    Agam 29:51 SU/35/35
    James 27:45 SU/35/45
    Westwood 34:37 45
    Miranda 21:54 3R/44/50
    Dave 32:19 SU/50
    Melinda 34:32 SU/26/25
    Dan (FL) 35"47 Sc

    Welcome to Briana (today was her first class) and Marc (Rizz) and Dan who dropped in today!!!

    -Stephanie Not Susan but to lazy to sign out and sign back in.

  5. 530:

    Patrick 30:48 rx
    Jody 31:26 44/35
    Borden 27:06 rounds 45#db
    Oleg 29:06 Singles/step up 55/70
    Balmer 22:05 RX
    John M 33:13 singles 40/53

    Big Kudos to Balmer for killing this wod! What a brutal one to start the weekend off! Have a great weekend everyone!
