

 For total reps and time:
AMRAP in 7 Minutes:
10 Dumbbell Push Press 25/45 pounds
5 Manmakers 25/45 pounds

rest 2:00 minutes
Seven rounds for time of:
10 Wallball shots, 14/20 pound ball
10 Pull-ups

(your score will be the reps completed in the AMRAP and the time to complete the entire WOD, rest included... for example 60 reps 15:53) There are  many versions of the Manmaker click here to see the standard we will use today.

"To lose patience is to lose the battle."
-Mahatma Gandhi

Kristin T 56, 17:36 Rx
Sam B 35, 15:58 Rx
Peter W 53, 18:39 (35#db)
King 55, 21:24 (35)
Peterson 49, 21:22 (25)
Ellie H 42, 20:22 (20)
Gina 41, 22:09 (20)
Wax 56, 19:04 (35)
Rebecca 43, 18:11 (20/ringrows)
Lauren Mer. 56, 22:42 (20bnd)
Mike S 32, 25:47 (25)
Justin R 41, 25:16 (35)
Chris F. 42, 19:28 (25)
Sue 40 #10, 26:53 Band
Alison K. 42 #25, 19:45 Band
Chip 41 RX, 24:24
Balmer 42 RX, 16:42
Diane 42 #25, 19:34 Band
Barb 42 #20, 23:20 Band
Jonathan 55 #25, 19:40 Band
Rich 37 #25, 22:26 Band
Steph C. 45 #12, 17:02 Band
Anne 35 #15, 21:44 Band
Fayth 41 #15, 24:30 Band
Susan 42 #20, 19:11 Band
Lindsey P. 44 #10, 22:38 Band
Beth O. 42 #12, 21:14 Band #8ball
Jill 41, 27:26 (15/14/band)
Chris D 31, 27:10 (20/25/band)
Rinat 40, 21:28 (35)
Justin 43, 20:17 RX
Manisha 44, 21:23 (10/10/jump)
Orlando 45 #20, 20:17 RR #4
Sam M. 55 #30, 21:18
Joe C. 56 #25, 21:48 SC
Shannan C. 57 #15, 18:05 RR
Tom 45 #30, 22:31 Band
Bridget 56 #15, 20:28 RR
Shannon 60 #15, 18:47 Band #12
Jaime 43 #15, 19:47 Band #12
Jackie 43 #20, 18:45 Band
Keith 42 (Rx), 18:29 (Rx)
Vinny 45 (Rx), 16:56 (Rx)
Ryan 57 (Rx), 22:58 (Rx)
Kate 58 (Rx), 17:53 (Rx)
JZ 43 (25#), 21:40 (14#)
Fab 37 (Rx), 26:06 (band)
Joe C 49 (25#), 20:54 (Rx)
Roman 56 (30#), 23:50 (Rx)
Kyle 41 (40#), 20:36 (Rx)
Hector 42 (Rx), 26:52 (rom)
Nora 30 (20#), 21:36 (band)
Heather 56, 20:32
Becky 40, 21:15
Jess S 42@15/29:32 band
Breanna 42@20/23:45 floss
Jill 55/21:51
Shawna ??/26:07 8# band
Klutch 29/20:58Rx
Derreck 28/25:20Rx
Ryan S 52/23:44 15#
Patrick 45@35/19:20
Oleg 41/20:45 Rx
Cline 41@20/26:32 band
Shawn 55@35/21:48 Rx
Miranda 41/22:05 RR 10ft
DItty 46@15/22:41 RR
JI 27@35 25:31
Kate K 52/21:32 Rx
Mel 43/23:10 Rx
Dave 41@35/28:57 band
Mark B 43@25/4 rounds ouch :(
Greg 30/28:53 5 rounds
Sandeep 27@20/29:00 5 rounds
Seshu 42@20/28:45 14# band
Tracy 48@12/28:01 12# band
Johnny 42/19:11 Rx
Joe G 40@25/28:28 RR


  1. 6am

    Kristin T 56, 17:36 Rx
    Sam B 35, 15:58 Rx
    Peter W 53, 18:39 (35#db)
    King 55, 21:24 (35)
    Peterson 49, 21:22 (25)
    Ellie H 42, 20:22 (20)
    Gina 41, 22:09 (20)
    Wax 56, 19:04 (35)
    Rebecca 43, 18:11 (20/ringrows)
    Lauren Mer. 56, 22:42 (20bnd)
    Mike S 32, 25:47 (25)
    Justin R 41, 25:16 (35)
    Chris F. 42, 19:28 (25)

    Sweaty one this morning, but the effort was there to stay the course and keep pushing thru, and welcome to the big new guy Chris F.

  2. Sue 40 #10, 17:53 Band
    Alison K. 42 #25, 10:45 Band
    Chip 41 RX, 15:24
    Balmer 42 RX, 7:42
    Diane 42 #25, 10:34 Band
    Barb 42 #20, 14:20 Band
    Jonathan 55 #25, 10:40 Band
    Rich 37 #25, 13:26 Band
    Steph C. 45 #12, 8:02 Band
    Anne 35 #15, 12:44 Band
    Fayth 41 #15, 15:30 Band
    Susan 42 #20, 10:11 Band
    Lindsey P. 44 #10, 13:38 Band
    Beth O. 42 #12, 12:14 Band #8ball

    We reset the clock before our 7 Round WOD. Hot and Sweaty!!

  3. Updated 9:30 Scores. To the rest of the evening coaches. Do not reset the timer after the first 7 min amrap, just let it keep counting and start the 7 rounds at 9 min.

  4. Orlando 45 #20, 20:17 RR #4
    Sam M. 55 #30, 21:18
    Joe C. 56 #25, 21:48 SC
    Shannan C. 57 #15, 18:05 RR
    Tom 45 #30, 22:31 Band
    Bridget 56 #15, 20:28 RR
    Shannon 60 #15, 18:47 Band #12
    Jaime 43 #15, 19:47 Band #12
    Jackie 43 #20, 18:45 Band

  5. 5:30

    Jess S 42@15/29:32 band
    Breanna 42@20/23:45 floss
    Jill 55/21:51
    Shawna ??/26:07 8# band
    Klutch 29/20:58Rx
    Derreck 28/25:20Rx
    Ryan S 52/23:44 15#
    Patrick 45@35/19:20
    Oleg 41/20:45 Rx
    Cline 41@20/26:32 band
    Shawn 55@35/21:48 Rx
    Miranda 41/22:05 RR 10ft


    DItty 46@15/22:41 RR
    JI 27@35 25:31
    Kate K 52/21:32 Rx
    Mel 43/23:10 Rx
    Dave 41@35/28:57 band
    Mark B 43@25/4 rounds ouch :(
    Greg 30/28:53 5 rounds
    Sandeep 27@20/29:00 5 rounds
    Seshu 42@20/28:45 14# band
    Tracy 48@12/28:01 12# band
    Johnny 42/19:11 Rx
    Joe G 40@25/28:28 RR
