

Teams of two complete the following for time:
10 Rounds total:
15 Box Jumps 20/24"
15 Push-ups
15 Knees to Elbows

*Partners can switch off at will but only one partner can work at one time to the completion of all 10 Rounds.

Community Notes:
CrossFit classes today will be held at the Annex (110C Dekalb Street).  CrossFit Kids - Cubs class is cancelled. CrossFit King of Prussia is hosting a Level 1 Seminar. Please park and meet at the Annex.

“If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.” 
-Milton Berle


  1. Gina & Roni 16:58 SC
    Sharon & Fab 21:51 SC
    Rinat & Paully D 18:30 SC
    Alona & Tara 21:50
    Flounder & Patrick 19:21 RX
    Mike S & Matt 25:14 RX
    Mike C & Jason 19:11 SC
    Lam & Becca & Alex 20:20 SC
    Seshu & Joe 21:20 SC
    Liz & Jess 18:26 SC

  2. For the record, Matt and I scaled the K2E.
