

Can you get on the leader board?

Front Squat

then complete:
3 Rounds for time of:
5 Front Squats @ 70% of your 1RM
15 ABMat Sit ups
“You must realize that fear is not real. It is a product of thoughts you create. Do not misunderstand me, danger is very real, but fear is a choice.”
- Unknown


  1. Joy 135, 2:46
    Jen F. 85, 2:47
    Kara 125, 3:11
    Steph 95, 2:31
    Sue 95, 3:42
    Justin H. 245PR, 3:23
    Beth 85, 3 Something
    Barb 115, 2:41
    Susan 115, 2:40
    Diane 230PR, 2:37

    Big PR by Justin H. and Diane.

    Get. At. Me!

  2. Nooner

    Bree 140 *PR! 2:50
    Pam 140 *PR! / 3:00
    Natalia Form / 3:11

  3. 6am:
    Sorry so late guys...

    Kyle 195/3:36
    Lam 235/3:08
    Boston Brian 205/2:54
    Justin R 205/2:55
    Kim G. 115/3:26
    KT 160/3:33
    Ell"i"e 130/2:45
    Dianne 88/??
    Jen K 88/3:10'
    Hope everyone had a nice day!

  4. 7:30pm

    Bridget 100# / 3:34 - PR!
    Taryn 93# / 4:02
    Arienne form / 3:48
    Chip 295# / 3:16 - 20# PR!
    Seshu 150# / 2:59

    1st time finding a 1rep max front squat for Taryn, Arienne & Seshu - great job tonight!

    Chip so close - Damn those 2 inches!

  5. 4:30 SAC
    Dave 205/2:41
    Joe C 220 PR/2:40
    Becky 133 PR (bw+ FS!)/4:08
    P 285/3:54 GHD

    John M 175/3:10
    Shawna 75/3:17
    Shawn 265 PR/2:35
    Sandeep 135/3:30
    Tom 215/2:55
    Sandy 115 PR/2:45
    Deedee 115/2:26

    Borden 285 PR/2:57 floor
    Johnny 255 PR/2:30
    Pablo 153/3:45
    Conn 245/2:48 floor
    Alona 140/2:47
    Heather 140/2:11 floor
    Vinny 295/3:33 floor
    Mike C 155/3:36
    Jill 125 PR (bw FS!)/2:54
    Brett 235/2:43
    Oleg 225 PR/2:53 floor

    Wow, some impressive front squats, especially the ladies! External rotation of the legs (starting in the femur) helps get you out of that hole and drive your knees out!
