
CFE update from Coach Tim

CF Endurance Track workout tomorrow at the UMHS track 5:30pm:

Take your chance at getting on that record board on the safe, clean surface of the track.

After a good warmup together you can have your choice of a 400m / 800m / or 1mile all out effort. 

5:30pm warmup
5:45 - Timed 1 mile run (4 laps)
6:10 - Timed 800m (2 laps)
6:20 - Timed 400m (1 lap)

While the "races" are going on, I will be giving anyone that is finished a small cash out/conditioning workout to be doing on your own or with a partner. Do this while cheering on the other races. 

Next week we will do a 400m, 200m, and the famed 100m dash to see who is the worlds fastest man/woman. Okay okay, maybe just the KOP box fastest...

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