

Team WOD:
Three person teams complete the following - one athlete working at a time. 

120 Front Squats (95/135#)
200m Farmers Carry (55/70#)
120 Shoulder to Overhead (95/135#)
200M Farmers Carry (55/70#)
120 Deadlifts (155/225#)
200M Farmers Carry (55/70#)

The Farmers carry will be done as a team...all three athletes will have their own weight and will carry together.  The following exercise cannot be completed until all athletes are back from the Farmers carry.

Community Notes:
The CrossFit Kids class preschool class at 10:00AM tomorrow will be cancelled. Sorry for any inconvenience.

“Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value.” 
― Albert Einstein

Manisha/Nora 28:14 SC
Charlie/Jason C. :-)
Rinat/Justin/Mr. T 31:51 SC
Dee/Roni/Flounder 38:15 SC
Jim/Tidmore/D-Rock 39:55 RX
Dave/Joe/Ryan 31:36 SC
Alison/Joy/Arin 31:15 SC
Jess/Erika 41:22 SC

1 comment:

  1. Manisha/Nora 28:14 SC
    Charlie/Jason C. :-)
    Rinat/Justin/Mr. T 31:51 SC
    Dee/Roni/Flounder 38:15 SC
    Jim/Tidmore/D-Rock 39:55 RX
    Dave/Joe/Ryan 31:36 SC
    Alison/Joy/Arin 31:15 SC
    Jess/Erika 41:22 SC

    Long and Brutal. Rest those hands.
