

Heaving Snatch Balance

With 60% of your 2RM Snatch Balance complete the following for time:
50 KB Swings
10 Snatch Balance
40 KB Swings
8 Snatch Balance
30 KB Swings
6 Snatch Balance
20 KB Swings
4 Snatch Balance
10 KB Swings
2 Snatch Balance

"Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did." -Newt Gingrich

Wax 115# / 11:35 Rx
Roni 78# / 12:31 Rx
Jen K 43# / 13:37 (23#,18#)
Lam 145# / 19:54 Rx
Klutch 115# / 13:59 Rx
Cris A. 160# / 15:00 Rx
Vin 165# / DNF
KT 85# / 10:18 Rx
Kathleen 68# / 16:15 Rx
Mike S. 85# /19:34 (35#)
Megs 65# / 9:29 (45#, 35#)
Ryan B. 185 / 13:05 Rx
Andrea 70 / 9:39 (45#)
Kate C. 85# / 11:36 Rx
Chip 185# 17:09
Peter 125# 12:29 rx
Mark 135# 12:47 rx
Jonathan 73/11:43
Susan 53/13:46
Sue L. PVC-form/12:00
Beth O. 30/14:04 (18#)
David C 73/12:23
Diane 93/ 10:45 Rx
Fran 20/PVC 12:00
Steph 35/10:55
Alison 93/9:18 Rx
Barb 30 form/14:40
John M 65#, 17:19 (45#)
Bre 75#, 14:22 Rx
Tom 55#, 15:50 (35#)
Sarah S 55#, 14:07 (18#)
Tracy O 55#, 13:38 (26#)
Taryn 63#, 15:00 (18#)
Keisha 35#, 13:15
Sharon, 35#, 14:57
Mike Fab 105#, 13:00
Joe G 45#, 17:15
Chris D 65#, 17:05
Ph 185#, 14:40
Manisha 30#, 14:45
Fayth 55#, 13:40
Becky C 45#
LP 95#
Ryan 95#
Nick C 150#
Oleg 155#
Jill - 50#
Shawna - ouchie
Shawn T ?
Mel 90
Brett 125 15:44 Rx
Shannon 60 11:11 (partner Maria)
Conn 135 14:55
Dee 85 9:28 (partner Heather)
Sam M 125 15:49
Kate K 105 10:58 Rx
Gene 195 DNA
Borden 115 14:54
Erika 75 14:43 rom
Maria 35 11:11 (partner Shannon)
Jackie 95 14:14 rom
Heather 55 9:28 ( partner Dee)
Faby 155 14:55 Rx
Dave N 135 22:00 Cap
Pablo 65 16:41
Seshu 78 15:57 26#
Joe Col 85 8:31(partner Luke) rom
Luke 125 8:31 (partner Joe Col)
Nick T 70 18:00


  1. 6am
    Wax 115# / 11:35 Rx
    Roni 78# / 12:31 Rx
    Jen K 43# / 13:37 (23#,18#)
    Lam 145# / 19:54 Rx
    Klutch 115# / 13:59 Rx
    Cris A. 160# / 15:00 Rx
    Vin 165# / DNF
    KT 85# / 10:18 Rx
    Kathleen 68# / 16:15 Rx
    Mike S. 85# /19:34 (35#)
    Megs 65# / 9:29 (45#, 35#)
    Ryan B. 185 / 13:05 Rx
    Andrea 70 / 9:39 (45#)
    Kate C. 85# / 11:36 Rx

    Remember, snatch balance is less about the weight and more about the skill. This is a building block to a better snatch. We are working on speed, positioning, and confidence under the bar.

  2. 7am:

    Chip 185# 17:09
    Peter 125# 12:29 rx
    Mark 135# 12:47 rx

    Note - ladies, there were a pair of panties left behind from this am, they are under the bathroom sink.

  3. Dang, how did those get away...

  4. LOLOLOLOLOLOL. I hope you didn't move dirty ones!

  5. 5:30

    LP 95#
    Ryan 95#
    Nick C 150#
    Oleg 155#
    Jill - 50#
    Shawna - ouchie
    Shawn T ?

    guys I screwed and didn't capture the scores tonight. Help me out by posting to comments, I did the best I could remembering. Honestly this day was about speed and skill. If you worked on those 2 things, then you had a successful workout, regardless of the weight used.

  6. I put up 135... it was awesome.

  7. 6:30

    Mel 90
    Brett 125 15:44 Rx
    Shannon 60 11:11 (partner Maria)
    Conn 135 14:55
    Dee 85 9:28 (partner Heather)
    Sam M 125 15:49
    Kate K 105 10:58 Rx
    Gene 195 DNA
    Borden 115 14:54
    Erika 75 14:43 rom
    Maria 35 11:11 (partner Shannon)
    Jackie 95 14:14 rom
    Heather 55 9:28 ( partner Dee)
    Faby 155 14:55 Rx
    Dave N 135 22:00 Cap
    Pablo 65 16:41
    Seshu 78 15:57 26#
    Joe Col 85 8:31(partner Luke) rom
    Luke 125 8:31 (partner Joe Col)
    Nick T 70 18:00
