

"Welcome Kiesha"

10 rounds for time of:
3 Handstand push-ups
  6 Deadlifts (155/225#)
12 Burpees
24 Double-unders

“It is the difference of opinion that makes horse races. ”
— Mark Twain

Peterson 26:00 8 rounds (HSPU/HSPU-att)
Nancy 20:00 practice rounds
Nora 25:00 (8 rounds)
Mike S 25:00 (6 rounds)
Megs 24:20 Rx
Peter W 22:46 (stinkbugs)
Alex L 25:42 (165#)
Fran 7 Rds in 25:00 (63#/PU/SU)
Jack 5 Rds in 25:00 (SU/12/DU)
Sam M 7 Rds in 25:00 (12 DU)
Steph 8 Rds in 25:00 (SB/SU)
Jonathan 8 Rds in 25:00/ 2 AB
Keisha 6 Rds in 25:00 (95/12DUA/SB)
Tori 8 Rds in 25:00 (83#/2AB/12DU)
Jim C 28:40 Rx
Jz 14:04 5rnds 165
Plentus 23:23 Rx
Gavin 7 155 su
Smizzy 8 125 ab su
Fayth 8 125 su 3ab
PH 25:12 SB SU
Nick C 6 205
Manisha 6 83 SB box
Breanna 9 scale
Joe C 8 205 ab
Sharon 5 sb
Heather 8 su ab
Jess 6 su 125
Klutch 8 Rx
Derreck 7 SB
Alison 7 ab+plate
Joe Col 9 su ab 135
Rachel R 9 hspu scale
Jill 95 8 sb su
Ben 83 6 sb/su
tom 135 8 ku/su
Patrick 7 Rx


  1. Hi all. This morning, I left some clothes in a suit bag on a chair in the lobby. I'd appreciate it if someone would move them to the men's locker room and I'll get them tomorrow. Thanks!

  2. 6/7am Rizzults

    Peterson 26:00 8 rounds (HSPU/HSPU-att)
    Nancy 20:00 practice rounds
    Nora 25:00 (8 rounds)
    Mike S 25:00 (6 rounds)
    Megs 24:20 Rx
    Peter W 22:46 (stinkbugs)
    Alex L 25:42 (165#)

  3. Mike - Your bag is behind the desk with your name on it.

  4. 4:30

    Balmer :)
    Jz 14:04 5rnds 165
    Plentus 23:23 Rx
    Gavin 7 155 su
    Smizzy 8 125 ab su
    Fayth 8 125 su 3ab
    PH 25:12 SB SU
    Nick C 6 205
    Manisha 6 83 SB box
    Breanna 9 scale
    Joe C 8 205 ab
    Sharon 5 sb


    Heather 8 su ab
    Jess 6 su 125
    Klutch 8 Rx
    Derreck 7 SB
    Alison 7 ab+plate
    Joe Col 9 su ab 135
    Rachel R 9 hspu scale
    Jill 95 8 sb su
    Ben 83 6 sb/su
    tom 135 8 ku/su
    Patrick 7 Rx
