

 "Welcome to Sue L!!"

Mobility with Gene

3 Rounds for time of:
800 meter Run
30 Wall Balls (14/20# all to 10 ft target)
30 Dumbbell Power Snatch (alternating R/L) (55/70#)

Community Notes: 
Please click here and use this link to register for the King and Queen of Prussia. The King and Queen of Prussia is an all day competition for members of CFKoP in order to crown our King and Queen for the next year. The event will be held on August 10th all day and we encourage all members, even new to compete. Workouts will be made in a way that everyone can participate.  Sign ups must be complete by July 16th!

 Click here to register for the next Clean and Jerk clinic with Coach P on 6/23.
Click here to register for the mobility series with Gene.

"If you are going through hell, keep going.” 
― Winston Churchill

Ben 37:31 rom/14#/15#
Nancy 37:35 row/rom 10#/15#
Mike P. 21:26 1/2 rep, 4rounds, 75# Barbell
Peterson 32:38 50#
Roni 32:25 40#
Cris A. 32:50 Rx
Klutch 30:47 60#
Pat P. 39:56 40#
Mike S. 34:08 14#/25#
Kathleen 39:46 rom/30#
Dinger 32:09 18#/35#
Jen K. 38:02 10#/15#
Tom S. 28:43 rom/45#
KT 35:21 50#
Mark C. 27:10 55#
Pete 28:33 RX
Nick 31:14 45# ROM
Chrissy 30:52 30# ROM
Fran 35:10 (8#/12#)
Steph B 35:36 (8/15) 800/400M
Chip 39:37 Rx
Sue L. 27:42 (8/15) 400M
Mom 26:10 (4/8#) 400M
Chris T 36:37 12/30#
Barb Z 33:07 (10/30#)
David C 37:00 25#
Beth O 31:24 (400M) 15#L/20#R
Jonathan 25:56 15/35#
Kara 35:56 10/30#
PH: Phukie
Brian 33:36 (55#)
Ryan 29:30 Rx
Gene 27:52 Rx
King 30:58 (55#) 
Dee 35:26 35
Shannon 28:39 scale
Jaime 32:40 scale
Bridget 28:12 scale
Megs 27:42 1/2 reps
Mel 35:39 scale
Bill 26:10 50
Vinny 27:58 Rx
Nick T ?
Brett 30:13 50
Sam 29:31 Rx
Heather 29:56 30
Kyle B 34:24 20reps/rnd
Johnny 31:55 55
Matt G ouch
Bob G 35:25 30 WBrom/scale
Derreck 37:10 55
Conn 30:23 35
Borden 35:05 45
Roman 31:06 55#
Shawna 27:50 2rds scale
Shawn T 30:03
LP 34:55 50#
Ditty 39:17 scale
Kate C 36:03 Rx
Wegman 30:33 50#
Keith B 26:38 2rds
Manisha 31:00 scale
Patrick 30:23 55#
Faby 29:44 Rx
Tidmore 26:16 45#
Dave N 35:39
Alona 30:00 35#
Anne 32:24 scale
Alison 38:28 45#
Miranda 38:44
Alex 37:50 15/10#
Fayth 36:50 20/10#
Taryn 37:28 scale
Balmer 27:11 Rx
JZ 36:59 45/14
Mike Fab 40:29 60/20
Killa 26:20 45/14-400's ROM
Bre 38:43 30/14
Jack 34:14 14/30#
Sam M 31:13 Rx
Sarah S 38:37 (8/15)
Becky DNF
Sharon 33:29 (14/25)(1/2)


  1. 6am
    Ben 37:31 rom/14#/15#
    Nancy 37:35 row/rom 10#/15#
    Mike P. 21:26 1/2 rep, 4rounds, 75# Barbell
    Peterson 32:38 50#
    Roni 32:25 40#
    Cris A. 32:50 Rx
    Klutch 30:47 60#
    Pat P. 39:56 40#
    Mike S. 34:08 14#/25#
    Kathleen 39:46 rom/30#
    Dinger 32:09 18#/35#
    Jen K. 38:02 10#/15#
    Tom S. 28:43 rom/45#
    KT 35:21 50#

    This WOD is a grinder. Dig in and get the work done. Big shout out to Cris Anton for completing this Rx! This kid is a beast in training. Also, welcome to Nancy and Ben who completed their 1st class this morning!!

  2. The King and Queen registry link opens an Excel spreadsheet, but you can't add your name to it. Not sure if anyone else is having this issue.

  3. 7AM:

    Mark C. 27:10 55#
    Pete 28:33 RX
    Nick 31:14 45# ROM
    Chrissy 30:52 30# ROM

    Welcome Chrissy, visiting from CT! WOW, this one was a killer or a wod. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Way to stay strong through out this wod.

  4. 65# for me. accidentally picked up the 65# instead of the 70# for the last set of snatches, didn't even realize it until clearing the weights.

  5. @ Miranda: I think you yelled out something to me during my db snatches about avoiding a sore neck. I did not hear what you said, and I have a VERY sore neck. Do you remember what I needed to correct (besides listening better)?

    Tough WOD today, but liked it. Mentally, 3 rounds often seems less tortorous to grind through than 5+, even with more weight/intensity.

  6. 13 signed up for he King and Queen so far...If you are hesitant please don't second guess it and sign up!

    I'm sure there are many CFKoP athletes out there who were nervous to first sign up but really had a great time over the past three years and learned a little about pushing their limits in the process.

    It's one of the best events we host for our members and hope you can all be a part of it!

  7. I can only second what Aimee said. It is my favorite event of the year and fun for all levels of CF. We had over 60 people compete last year and we hope to crush that number this year!

  8. 6:30

    Dee 35:26 35
    Shannon 28:39 scale
    Jaime 32:40 scale
    Bridget 28:12 scale
    Megs 27:42 1/2 reps
    Mel 35:39 scale
    Bill 26:10 50
    Vinny 27:58 Rx
    Nick T ?
    Brett 30:13 50
    Sam 29:31 Rx
    Heather 29:56 30
    Kyle B 34:24 20reps/rnd
    Johnny 31:55 55
    Matt G ouch
    Bob G 35:25 30 WBrom/scale
    Derreck 37:10 55
    Conn 30:23 35
    Borden 35:05 45

    Nice work tonight everyone! This was a long brutal one!

  9. 5:30pm

    Roman 31:06 55#
    Shawna 27:50 2rds scale
    Shawn T 30:03
    LP 34:55 50#
    Ditty 39:17 scale
    Kate C 36:03 Rx
    Wegman 30:33 50#
    Keith B 26:38 2rds
    Manisha 31:00 scale
    Patrick 30:23 55#
    Faby 29:44 Rx
    Tidmore 26:16 45#
    Dave N 35:39
    Alona 30:00 35#
    Anne 32:24 scale
    Alison 38:28 45#
    Miranda 38:44
    Alex 37:50 15/10#
    Fayth 36:50 20/10#
    Taryn 37:28 scale

  10. A thought about King and Queen

    I was reluctant to participate last year. I was almost happy at the thought of possibly not being able to participate because of the fact that I was in the process of becoming a coach. But as it turned out I was allowed to participate. At the time I did not believe I belonged in the same gym as Coxhead, Sam B, Mike T, and Faby. They were my pick to take the top spots. Even though I believed the odds were not in my favor I still believed that I had an outside chance to make podium.

    If you have ever seen the movie "Little Giants" you can probably recall the scene at half time when the Little Giants want to quit. Rick Moranis' character (Danny O'Shea) talks to them about how everyday he would race is brother Kevin O'Shea(Ed O'Neill aka Al Bundy) down Cherry Hill. He tells them about how Kevin would beat him everyday. But one time, just one time... Danny beats Kevin. He then talks about how the Cowboys would probably beat the Little Giants 99 out 100 times. But that still leaves 1 time. The guys I mentioned before consistently and routinely beat me at WODs 99 out of 100 probably. BUT! BUT! There was this 1 time...

    I hope that everyone that is eligible to participate, will do so. Because you never know.... This could be your 1 TIME!! You'll never know unless you give it shot!!!!

  11. Aimee and Jason are right, the King and Queen of Prussia is the best event of the year. I have competed twice and had a blast every time. I came home from vacation for it last year. The camaraderie is the best part and the competition is secondary. It is a great time to meet everyone at the box.

  12. this wod was brutal!! aimee i am surprised you didn't take a picture of my nanos yesterday! ha ha :)

  13. Hey just wanted to thank everyone for the warm welcome yesterday as I took on my first crossfit challenge. :) Everyone was so great and all your encouraging words really helped.
    Thanks again, I was really nervous and everyone put me right at ease.
    What a great family!!
