

G.I. Jane
100 reps for time of:
Burpee Pull-ups
*The two requirements for each rep is that the chest hits the deck and that the chin goes above the bar.

(compare to 3.28.09) and (3.16.12)

Cash Out:
50 GHD Sit-ups
50 GHD Back Extensions

G.I. Jane (Greg Amundson) [wmv][mov]

"Bodybuilding is much like any other sport. To be successful, you must dedicate yourself 100% to your training, diet and mental approach."
-Arnold Schwarzenegger

Roni 17:31 ROM
KT 12:40 Rx
Mike P. 9:41 Rx
Wax 11:46 Rx
Andrew Y. 15:15 JPU/PU
Megs 14:43 Rx
Chip 16:07
Tracy O 18:24 (rr)
Mark C 16:15
Peter 9:53
King 10:29
Max 15:16 (75)
Mike K. 11:118 Box
Jonathan 15:19 Box
Kara 16:58 Box
Christ 17:55 Box
Sara 16:26 Box
Liz O. 17:01 Box
Fran 18:29 Box
Bre 15:53 Box
Jessie 16:12 Box
Joe G. 19:55.5 RX
Beaver 14:11 RX
Brian R 12:39 RX
Fayth 18:18 Box
Anne 18:48 Box
Katrina 16:03 Box
Wegman 9:31 RX
W.W. 19:55 RX+HB
Pete(NC) 15:47 Rx
Kelly(NC) 18:11 2-45#plates
Justin 20:39 Rx
PH 14:16 Rx(lowbar)
Pablo 23:07 rx low
Matt G. 15:26 75 reps
Manisha 13:00 75 reps
Klutch 11:37 rx
DMan 19:56 rx high
Jim C. 12:44 rx high
Luke 18:04 75 reps
Patrick 14:37 rx high
Alex 14:10 rx
Dee 18:25 Rx
Miranda 16:57 jpu
Jess c 14:08 rx
Seshu 19:00 low
Dave N 17:50 low
Balmer :*(
Borden 15:12
Ryan S 13:39 Rx
Big Al 22:38 Rx
Erika 15:43 Rx
Bill 15:22 Rx
Lauren 15:28 60 reps
Conn 17:35 Rx
Riley 12:58 box 75 reps
Stephanie C 17:20 box
Jen S 19:27 Rx
Shannon 15:12 box
Jaime 15:12 box


  1. 6am
    Roni 17:31 ROM
    KT 12:40 Rx
    Mike P. 9:41 Rx
    Wax 11:46 Rx
    Andrew Y. 15:15 JPU/PU
    Megs 14:43 Rx

    Solid times 6am! Great Work!!

  2. 7am

    Chip 16:07
    Tracy O 18:24 (rr)
    Mark C 16:15
    Peter 9:53
    King 10:29
    Max 15:16 (75)

    Great job today guys! Welcome Max

  3. Hells yeah, Peter!!!!!

    King . . . legit . . . old is MF gold, baby.

  4. 9:30

    Mike K. 11:118 Box
    Jonathan 15:19 Box
    Kara 16:58 Box
    Christ 17:55 Box
    Sara 16:26 Box
    Liz O. 17:01 Box
    Fran 18:29 Box
    Bre 15:53 Box
    Jessie 16:12 Box

  5. 4:30

    Joe G. 19:55.5 RX
    Beaver 14:11 RX
    Brian R 12:39 RX
    Fayth 18:18 Box
    Anne 18:48 Box
    Katrina 16:03 Box
    Wegman 9:31 RX
    W.W. 19:55 RX+HB

  6. 3:30pm
    Pete(NC) 15:47 Rx
    Kelly(NC) 18:11 2-45#plates
    Justin 20:39 Rx
    PH 14:16 Rx(lowbar)

    Craig 13:25 Rx

  7. Thanks for visiting Peter and Kelly!!

  8. 5:30pm
    Pablo 23:07 rx low
    Matt G. 15:26 75 reps
    Manisha 13:00 75 reps
    Klutch 11:37 rx
    DMan 19:56 rx high
    Jim C. 12:44 rx high
    Luke 18:04 75 reps
    Patrick 14:37 rx high
    Alex 14:10 rx

  9. 6:30

    Dee 18:25 Rx
    Miranda 16:57 jpu
    Jess c 14:08 rx
    Seshu 19:00 low
    Dave N 17:50 low
    Balmer :*(
    Borden 15:12
    Ryan S 13:39 Rx
    Big Al 22:38 Rx
    Erika 15:43 Rx
    Bill 15:22 Rx
    Lauren 15:28 60 reps
    Conn 17:35 Rx
    Riley 12:58 box 75 reps
    Stephanie C 17:20 box
    Jen S 19:27 Rx
    Shannon 15:12 box
    Jaime 15:12 box

    The Boss just caught me being an IDIOT!!!! Sorry these results are 4 days later!
