

Autism WOD
AMRAP in 18 Minutes: 
Teams of two complete the following one person working at a time. 

Athlete A will complete one round and then Athlete B completes one round alternating back and forth until the 18 minutes elapses. 

5 Box Jumps 
10 Burpees 
15 Air Squats 

5 Box Jumps 24/30" 
10 Burpees 
15 Overhead Squats 75/115#

Friends, Family and Kids are welcome today. Donations to Autism Speak are optional but appreciated.

“One person's craziness is another person's reality.” 
― Tim Burton

Albert&Amber 5+24
Cathy&Tracey 10
Jill&Sydney 11+5
Arin & Kim 7
Demrey & Lauran 10
Tracy & Mark 12
Jna & Denis 12+7
Teagan & Jeff 12 +4
KT & Kate 9+ 16RX
Wax & Mike P 6+15Rx
Dave&Alison 10 +5
Barb & Alona 12+6
Jessey& Oleg 9
Brianna & Nick 7
Sarah & Kathleen 8
Keith & Jess 11
Kyle & Miranda 11+6
Andrea & Megs 10+20
DemonUsa&DemonRus 9+22Rx
Sam & Rye 9+20 Rx
Kim & Arin Again 11
Justin & Jen S 8+28
Debbie & will 9

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to all who came out in support of today's Autism fundraiser. We raised some money, got a great workout and had fun!!

    Albert&Amber 5+24
    Cathy&Tracey 10
    Jill&Sydney 11+5
    Arin & Kim 7
    Demrey & Lauran 10
    Tracy & Mark 12
    Jna & Denis 12+7
    Teagan & Jeff 12 +4
    KT & Kate 9+ 16RX
    Wax & Mike P 6+15Rx
    Dave&Alison 10 +5
    Barb & Alona 12+6

    Jessey& Oleg 9
    Brianna & Nick 7
    Sarah & Kathleen 8
    Keith & Jess 11
    Kyle & Miranda 11+6
    Andrea & Megs 10+20
    DemonUsa&DemonRus 9+22Rx
    Sam & Rye 9+20 Rx
    Kim & Arin Again 11
    Justin & Jen S 8+28
    Debbie & will 9
