

For time complete:
500 Meter Row
12 Power snatch (65/95#)
12 Burpees
2 Rope Climbs
9 Power snatch (65/95#)
9 Burpees
2 Rope Climbs
6 Power snatch (65/95#)
6 Burpees
2 Rope Climbs
3 Power snatch (65/95#)
3 Burpees
500 Meter Row

Community Question:
The first Open WOD will post tonight, any thoughts or guesses on what is going to come out of the hopper?

Community Notes:
Click here to register for the next level 1 seminar at CrossFit King of Prussia on April 20th/21st.  

"Jealousy is the fear of the apprehension of superiority; envy our uneasiness under it."
-William Shenstone

Justin 13:47 Rp
Oleg 12:51 Rp
KT 13:51 RX
King 13:55 RX
Kathleen 15:02 RP/45
Jay E 13:34 RP
Gina 16:20 RP
Rinat 16:12 RX
Nick Z 11:28 Scale
David 16:31 #35/Cargo
Stacy 16:35 #45/RP
Mr. W 17:01 #65
Mrs. W 17:48 #35/RP
Matteo 14:49 80#/RP
Casey 17:58 15#/RP
Westwood 17:58 95#/RP
PH 12:56 95#/RP
Pam 14:25 RP/53#


  1. Justin 13:47 Rp
    Oleg 12:51 Rp
    KT 13:51 RX
    King 13:55 RX
    Kathleen 15:02 RP/45
    Jay E 13:34 RP
    Gina 16:20 RP

  2. Vinny said, not Paul

  3. I'm currently out on the Upper Merion HS track right now for track practice and were heading in early as the wind and rain is currently picking up. Our CF Endurance track workout is going to be cancelled for today, it's way to windy to get some quality work done!

  4. 12n
    Matteo 14:49 80#/RP
    Casey 17:58 15#/RP
    Westwood 17:58 95#/RP
    PH 12:56 95#/RP
    Pam 14:25 RP/53#

    Pam and Casey---loved watching your snatch form improve over the course of the workout!!

  5. 76 people!!!! So stoked. I usually keep a spreadsheet with how you rank in the gym. If you are not interested in this, please let me know before submissions are due.
    Five, seven, zero, six, five, zero 4282

  6. Haha Vin.


    Rinat 16:12 RX
    Nick Z 11:28 Scale
    David 16:31 #35/Cargo
    Stacy 16:35 #45/RP
    Mr. W 17:01 #65
    Mrs. W 17:48 #35/RP

  7. glad everyone got to practice their burpees and snatches today :)

  8. 5:30
    Flounder 15:19 rp
    Andrew Y 14:35 75/rp
    Ryan P 13:32 rp
    Jess S 16:40 45/rp
    Kelly 19:09 45/rp
    Kyle W 14:03 75/rp
    Shawn ?
    Cory 17:16 75/rp
    Sandy 17:00 55/rp
    Nick A 15:32 65 rp
    Miranda 16:38 Rx
    Anja 15:05 45/rp
    Matt 19:36 Rx
    Joe P 14:51 75 rp
    Kate C 14:16 Rx

    Brandon 16:02 75/rp
    Derreck 16:45 Rx
    Matt B 13:43 rp
    Alison K owie
    Anne 16:12 40/rp
    Erika 15:44 65/rp
    Jess C 12:52 Rx
    JCar 15:38 35/rp
    Kyle B 22:15 db/rp
    Cline 17:30 55/rp

    Albert 12:47 half rp
    Jerry 14:44 Rx
    Leslie 14:29 55/rp
    Bridget 14:36 35/rp
    Jack 19:06 65

    good stuff folks. Welcome to Brandon for his first class. Props to Jack for the highest burpees of the night and Kyle B. for rowing so hard he fell out of his seat a few times.

  9. 4:30

    JZ 15:20 75
    Meighan 16:25 55
    Michael P 14:32 Rx
    Rye Bread 10:09 pulls
    James C 12:49 Rx
    Regi 13:20 55 pulls
    Diane 14:05 pulls
    Eugene 16:06 Rx
    Kathleen Kenny 15:47 Rx
    Travis 13:25 Rx
    Richard 14:15 35 pulls
