

 Welcome to Chris D...
and Krista!


Cash out:
AMRAP in 7 minutes
30 reps Thruster 45/75#
30 reps Thruster 65/95#
30 reps Thruster 85/115#

It's the Sugar Folks by Mark Bittman  

"The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do."
-Walter Bagehot

Kathleen 90#/47
Justin R. 155#/55 scale
KT 125#/67
Gina 90#/57
King 165#/63
Dinger 110#/59 scale
Rebecca 105#/59
Peter W. 135#/65
Lauren M. 100#PR/60
Oleg 175#PR/49
Jay E. 235#/72
Alex 115#PR/71 scale
Nick C. 165#PR/51
Jonathan 135/59
Chris D 125/51
David C 125/51
Rinat 185/65 rx
Diane 115/61 rx
Tim Mcc 155/71 rx
Amanda 85/44rx
Kara 75/56
Barb 95/53 rx
Krista 50-65
Cate 150/81 rx
Aimee 120/77 rx
Nikki 140/70 rx
Jessey 80/57
Sheldon 67/43
Ryan 280/86 rx
Rob Ph195/66 rx
Travis 155/ 47 rx
Jack 115/49
Geoff 155, 55
Nick A 155, 31
Samson 135, 54
Tim H. 175, 48
Flounder 145, 36
Andrew Y 145, 52
Jess S 95, 44
Gene D 245, 70
Manisha 60, 33
Karen 65, 38
Regi 95, 40
WW 135/32
Brian R 175/57
Richard Form/90
Byrnsey 200/60
Jason H. 150/55
Shannon 70# 80
Conn 175# 46Rx
Miranda 130# 64Rx
Borden 175# 65Rx
Erika 95#pr 50Rx
Matt G 200#pr 50Rx
Derreck 185# 57Rx
Jaime 65# 66Rx
Matt B 165# 44Rx
Mike T 215#pr 72
Ben 150#pr 46


  1. Happy birthday Coach Vinny! Competing with you at Regionals was a blast and I'm glad to have gotten to know you better since. You're always looking to improve as an athlete and as a coach, even if you're already the demon that you are. Hope your day is full of good friends and maybe a pizza?

  2. 6am
    Kathleen 90#/47
    Justin R. 155#/55 scale
    KT 125#/67
    Gina 90#/57
    King 165#/63
    Dinger 110#/59 scale
    Rebecca 105#/59

    Peter W. 135#/65
    Lauren M. 100#PR/60
    Oleg 175#PR/49
    Jay E. 235#/72
    Alex 115#PR/71 scale
    Nick C. 165#PR/51

    Great work and lots of impressive PR's at 7am. Jay E. sets the AMRAP pace at 72 reps. Who will step up to challenge that number? Anybody going to put up all 90 reps?

    Happy Birthday to Vinny and his trademark veins!

  3. Happy Birthday you demon!
    Its always a blast to work out with you. Hope you enjoy the day.

  4. 530pm

    Geoff 155, 55
    Nick A 155, 31
    Samson 135, 54
    Tim H. 175, 48
    Flounder 145, 36
    Andrew Y 145, 52
    Jess S 95, 44
    Gene D 245, 70
    Manisha 60, 33
    Karen 65, 38
    Regi 95, 40

  5. Kathleen - nice number! I miss seeing you at the box, hope to catch you at a few of the open workouts!

  6. 4:30

    WW 135/32
    Brian R 175/57
    Richard Form/90
    Byrnsey 200/60
    Jason H. 150/55

  7. Thanks Aimee! I'll be there Saturday. Looking forward to my first time doing the games!

  8. 6:30

    Shannon 70# 80
    Conn 175# 46Rx
    Miranda 130# 64Rx
    Borden 175# 65Rx
    Erika 95#pr 50Rx
    Matt G 200#pr 50Rx
    Derreck 185# 57Rx
    Jaime 65# 66Rx
    Matt B 165# 44Rx
    Mike T 215#pr 72
    Ben 150#pr 46
