

 "If your happy and you know it clap your hands"

5 Rounds for time of:
15 Hang Power Snatches 75/115
15 Clapping Push-ups

Community Notes:
Click here to register for the next Level 1 Seminar that CrossFit King of Prussia is hosting. The Seminar will take place on May 4th and 5th.

CrossFit Endurance will occur this week on Wednesday 3.27 at 6:30PM at the Upper Merion Track.

The Reebok CrossFit Open Wod 13.4 will be held this Saturday starting at 9AM.
“Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” 
― George Bernard Shaw

Mike P. 16:52 95#
Wax 8:46 3rds 95#
Pat P. 15:20 85#/PU ROM
KT 10:47 64#/ Hand Release PU
Chip 16:31 Rx
King 12:07 75#
Lauren 15:46 65#/PU ROM
Pete 12:05 75#
David 19:07 33#/Clap/PU
Chris T 14:37 45#PU
Jack 20:08 45#/RoMPU
Diane13:49 65#/PU
Sharon 21:13 53# Clap/PU
Kara 14:23 40#/RoMPU
Ryan 18:52 135# Rx+
Rob Ph 18:42 115#Clap-rom
Justin R. 18:10 85# RoMPU
Taylor 16:16 22#ROMPU
Vinny 15:58 Rx
Sarah 15:09 scale
Kate C 16:06 Rx
Brett 18:08 75#
Kathleen 14:17(53#Handrelease)
Sam B 11:55 75#,clapping
Sandy 16:06 50#
Jess S 18:02
Flounder 15:40 75#rom
Cory 19:40 65#
Peterson 16:58 95#clapping
Joe C 23:51 95 PU
Erika 18:18 65 PU
Geoff 19:28 105
Regi 16:56 55 PU
Bre 18:55 55 PU
WW 22:58 75 ROM
Mike Fab 16:37 95
Dan L 19:15 Rx
Stacy 18:15 55 MPU
Derreck 19:20 PU
Conn 18:23 85 PU
Borden 15:37 75 PU
Shannon 10:36 55 PU
Dee 18:00 65 HRPU
Stasie 16:20 45 knees
Nick C 17:55 95
Gene 18:15 Rx
LP 15:16 Rx
Jaime 12:47 25 knees


  1. 6am/7am
    Mike P. 16:52 95#
    Wax 8:46 3rds 95#
    Pat P. 15:20 85#/PU ROM
    KT 10:47 64#/ Hand Release PU
    Chip 16:31 Rx
    King 12:07 75#
    Lauren 15:46 65#/PU ROM
    Pete 12:05 75#

  2. 530

    VInny 15:58 Rx
    Sarah 15:09 scale
    Kate C 16:06 Rx
    Brett 18:08 75#
    Kathleen 14:17(53#Handrelease)
    Sam B 11:55 75#,clapping
    Sandy 16:06 50#
    Jess S 18:02
    Flounder 15:40 75#rom
    Cory 19:40 65#
    Peterson 16:58 95#clapping

  3. I think the most painful part of today's WOD was bringing the bar back to the hang position and it hitting some very sore quads thanks to 13.3!

  4. 4:30

    Joe C 23:51 95 PU
    Erika 18:18 65 PU
    Geoff 19:28 105
    Regi 16:56 55 PU
    Bre 18:55 55 PU
    WW 22:58 75 ROM
    Mike Fab 16:37 95
    Dan L 19:15 Rx
    Stacy 18:15 55 MPU


    Derreck 19:20 PU
    Conn 18:23 85 PU
    Borden 15:37 75 PU
    Shannon 10:36 55 PU
    Dee 18:00 65 HRPU
    Stasie 16:20 45 knees
    Nick C 17:55 95
    Gene 18:15 Rx
    LP 15:16 Rx
    Jaime 12:47 25 knees
