

500 Meter Row
50 Double Unders
400 Meter Row 
40 Double Unders
300 Meter Row 
30 Double Unders
200 Meter Row 
20 Double Unders
100 Meter Row
10 Double Unders

Muscle Up

"Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do."

Brooke 11:15su/du 
KT 9:43 Rx 
Rebecca 11:57 Rx 
Steve Z 19:03 su 
 Alex L 11:50 su 
Lauren Mer. 16:04 su/du 
Jay E 14:58 Rx 
Peter W 8:58 Rx
Justin R 11:31 Rx
Laurel D 16:20 SU
Lisa C 21:25 DUA/SU/DU
Jonathan 17:35 Rx
Casey 23:19 DUA/DU
Nick Z 9:17 Rx
Ciera 18:54 DUA
Rinat 9:26 Rx
Steve M 14:19 SU/DUA
Alona 17:52 1/2 DU
Becky 26:18 Rx
Mark W 14:48 SU/DUA
Diane P. 12:50  SU/SU
Patrick 12:14 Rx
Chris A 13:53 DUA
Andrew 11:28 Rx
Derrek 12:00 Rx
Brett 13:50 DUA/SU
Jen P (OH) 11:33 Rx
Fayth 14:01 SU/DU
Megs 10:43 Rx
Taylor 14:01 Su/DUA
Liz 12:50 Rx
Keith 9:30 Rx
Rye Bread 11:13 RX
Joe C 12:54 RX
Stacy 14:09 RX
Breanna 15:37 DUA
PH 15:25 DUA
Peterson 8:43 RX
Lindsey 13:59 Su


  1. Can anyone count for me in the morning tomorrow?



  2. http://aimeesfitnessblog.blogspot.com/2013/02/get-ready-for-reebok-crossfit-open-2013.html

  3. 6/7am
    Brooke 11:15su/du
    KT 9:43 Rx
    Rebecca 11:57 Rx
    Steve Z 19:03 su

    Alex L 11:50 su
    Lauren Mer. 16:04 su/du
    Jay E 14:58 Rx
    Peter W 8:58 Rx

  4. Megs -

    I will be there tomorrow morning if that works for you? Not the best WOD for the day before a 50k trail race.


  5. I am just getting used to Space Face but if I am reading it correctly, it is Steph's birthday. So, if I am not crazy, Happy Birthday!

  6. Steph, your zest for life and inspiring others is admirable, which is why I think this quote suits you: "Don’t ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." - Howard Thurman

    Happy birthday!

  7. 4:30

    Rye Bread 11:13 RX
    Joe C 12:54 RX
    Stacy 14:09 RX
    Breanna 15:37 DUA
    PH 15:25 DUA
    Peterson 8:43 RX
    Lindsey 13:59 Su
