

Push Press

AMRAP in 8 Minutes
10 Push Press @ 70% of your 5 RM
20 Box Jumps

Due to the success of last years NEON wod, we will be celebrating again on 3.12. Click here to see what people wore last year and get your outfit ready for 2013!

The 2013 Open is 6 days away, Daylight savings is 11 days away and the beginning of "CF Endurance Track Workouts" with Coach Tim are only a week away, it's time to get excited!

All endurance classes will meet at the Upper Merion track and count as a regular class:
Wed 3/6 5:30 PM
Wed 3/20 5:30 PM
Wed 3/27 6:30 PM
Wed 4/10 5:30 PM
Mon 4/15 6:30 PM
Mon 4/29 6:30 PM 

"There is just one life for each of us: our own."

Kristin T 115, 4+8
Wax 175, dnf
Dinger 115, 3+5
Gabby 75, 3+8
Ellie H 80, 3+27
Kathleen 80, 3+14
David L 120, 3 rounds
Alona 75, 4+2
Nick C 125, 3+10
Peter W 150, 4+10
Lauren M 90(5RMpr), 3+16
Oleg 165, 3+8
Jay E 255, 2+3
Tori 83, 4+14
Kara 63, 3+18
Stacy 95, 3+23
Diane 120, 3+20
Kim C 95, 4
Steve M 115, 3+8
Byrnsie 185, 4
Becky 85, 3+25
Jessie 78, 4+8
Sharon 115, 3+1
Tim McC 135, 4+28
Jess S 83, 3+5
Anja 63.5, 4+1
Luke 150, 3+8
Chris A 135, 4+3
Kelly 63, 4+5
Ryan S 135, 3+16
Ben, 150, 2+26
Megs 100, 4+6
Alison 135, 5+3
Kate C 125, 5
Faby 165, 4+20
Ryan B 225, 3+8
Patrick form
Andrew 95, 3+5
Vinny 200, 3+18
Nick 115, 3+10
Gene 215, 3+12
Peterson 145, 3+15
Mrs. Peterson 75, 3+6
Mateo 135, 4+5
Mike P. 145 PR, 4+8
Jonathan 165 PR, 3+5
Breanna 85 PR, 3+20
Reggie 85 PR, 3+8
Karen 75, 2+14
Travis 155, 4+5
Roman 145, 4+1
Rob Ph 205/215x3, 3+17
WW 135, 4+1


  1. 6/7am

    Kristin T 115, 4+8
    Wax 175, dnf
    Dinger 115, 3+5
    Gabby 75, 3+8
    Ellie H 80, 3+27
    Kathleen 80, 3+14
    David L 120, 3 rounds
    Alona 75, 4+2
    Nick C 125, 3+10
    Peter W 150, 4+10
    Lauren M 90(5RMpr), 3+16
    Oleg 165, 3+8
    Jay E 255, 2+3

  2. on 3/27 - will the endurance class really be at 6:30 PM, or as with all other Wednesdays - at 5:30 pm?

  3. Oleg-- yes it's 630, trying to change up some times to make it more available to different athletes that may not be able to always make a 5:30 time slot.

  4. 4:30pm
    Peterson 145, 3+15
    Mrs. Peterson 75, 3+6
    Mateo 135, 4+5
    Mike P. 145 PR, 4+8
    Jonathan 165 PR, 3+5
    Breanna 85 PR, 3+20
    Reggie 85 PR, 3+8
    Karen 75, 2+14
    Travis 155, 4+5
    Roman 145, 4+1
    Rob Ph 205/215x3, 3+17
    WW 135, 4+1

  5. There were a variety of box heights and scales used, if you want yours recorded please post to comments.
