

Can you beat "Philly"?

The Adventures of Keith
Meet and Park at Frosty Falls for the start of your favorite adventure WOD

Dress accordingly because it is supposed to be 59 and sunny on Sunday.  This will be a perfect time to work on your tan!
"Instead of thinking about where you are, think about where you want to be. It takes twenty years of hard work to become an overnight success."
- Diana Rankin


amrap in 15 minutes:

5 1 arm kettle bell snatches/10 1 arm kettlebell swings
10 one arm overhead kettle bell squats/10 goblet squats
15 lateral jumps over kettlebell

Jason H 10
Laura 4
Erika 8
Manisha 8
King 11
Schaefer 12
Jackie 8
Jack 8
Brian D 8
Maria 4
Stacy 8
Philly 1

1 comment:

  1. Sunday Adventurers!!

    amrap in 15 minutes:

    5 1 arm kettle bell snatches/10 1 arm kettlebell swings
    10 one arm overhead kettle bell squats/10 goblet squats
    15 lateral jumps over kettlebell

    Cash out:

    Race Philly!!!!

    Everyone lost!!!

    Jason H 10
    Laura 4
    Erika 8
    Manisha 8
    King 11
    Schaefer 12
    Jackie 8
    Jack 8
    Brian D 8
    Maria 4
    Stacy 8
    Philly 1

    Thank you to everyone who came out today! Keep working on your acceleration into the sprint and maybe one day you'll be able to out sprint my dog!!!
