

6 Rounds for time of:
10 Clean and Jerks 135#/95#
20 Pull-ups
100 Sit-ups
1 Lyons Loop Run (approx 600M)

or the...

4 Rounds for time of:
10 Clean and Jerks 95#/65#
20 Pull-ups
50 Sit-ups
400M Run

Community Notes:
Come in costume if you dare!
Open gym will be from 11-1PM, coordinated group classes at 9AM and 10AM as usual, but you are welcome to run over to complete the "Wolverine". 
"We are not victims of aging, sickness and death. These are part of scenery, not the seer, who is immune to any form of change. This seer is the spirit, the expression of eternal being."
-Deepak Chopra

WOLVERINE 2012!!!!!!

Kristin 64:41
King 68:15
Peter W 70:50
Tidmore 1:27:49
Shaefer 72:50
Mike P 65:19
Faby 61:04
Mike T 52:15
Balmer 1:05:00


Megs 26:41 Rx
Jeff 40:02 Rx
Rebecca 39:40 85/MF/600m
Manisha 83:58 30/Black
Travis 38:55 115
Kim C 42:44 3 Rounds Cub row/run
Mike S 44:41 Rx
Erika 40:43 65/band 5 rounds cub
Kim G 42:38 75/band/75 sit-ups
Francie 43:18 Cub scaled
Ellie 39:04 band/75 sit-ups
Barb 35:02 MF
Jna 48:22 65/blue+MF
Sam 25:10 Cub Rx+135
Brian D 37:13 85
Kathy 35/black
Jess C 34:13 MF 52:50 6rounds
Arin 44:52
Jen S 33:18
Stasie 49:15 55/bands/jumping
Allison B 35:03 45
Samson 33:40 Rx


  1. WOLVERINE 2012!!!!!!

    Kristin 64:41
    King 68:15
    Peter W 70:50
    Tidmore 1:27:49
    Shaefer 72:50
    Mike P 65:19
    Faby 61:04
    Mike T 52:15
    Balmer 1:05:00


    Megs 26:41 Rx
    Jeff 40:02 Rx
    Rebecca 39:40 85/MF/600m
    Manisha 83:58 30/Black
    Travis 38:55 115
    Kim C 42:44 3 Rounds Cub row/run
    Mike S 44:41 Rx
    Erika 40:43 65/band 5 rounds cub
    Kim G 42:38 75/band/75 sit-ups
    Francie 43:18 Cub scaled
    Ellie 39:04 band/75 sit-ups
    Barb 35:02 MF
    Jna 48:22 65/blue+MF
    Sam 25:10 Cub Rx+135
    Brian D 37:13 85
    Kathy 35/black
    Jess C 34:13 MF 52:50 6rounds
    Arin 44:52
    Jen S 33:18
    Stasie 49:15 55/bands/jumping
    Allison B 35:03 45
    Samson 33:40 Rx

    Nice work everyone!

  2. Nie job on every athlete that attempted this one long and short. There are some good times here, and conditions are always up in the air for this so way to push thru.

  3. That was fun - awesome support shown by all in the gym .....as always. Aimee for the love of god - please not sit up's in the wod tomorrow.

    Wax - thanks for taking pics!

  4. Thanks guys for the help pushing through this. This was my crossfit goal for 2012.


  5. Tidmore - awesome job on the heavy clean and jerks- way to push through - also thanks for reminding us that this is also about having fun! I think you had a smile on your face through all rounds.

  6. I'm sad I didn't get to work out with my hubby ;-)

    Way to get at it, Chris!!!!!

    Ditto Wax and Samson snapping away. Can't wait to see pictures of the slaughter.

    P.S.: F**king ouch.
