

3 Rounds for time of:
8 Deadlifts 175/250#
16 Burpees
3 Rope Climbs (15 feet)
600M Row

Coach P has a Question.

“Fear is a part of life. It's a warning mechanism. That's all. It tells you when there's danger around. Its job is to help you survive. Not cripple you into being unable to do it.” 
― Jim Butcher, Dead Beat

Dinger 19:13 175/RP
Balmer 18:01 RX
Gina 155/RP
KT 19:48 RX
King 22:50 135
Cris 20:22 225
Roni 20:57 145 RP
Rebecca S 155(6 climbs)
Aimee 17:51 RX
Paul F 24:25 225/RP
Lisa A 24:03 135/RP
Mike T 17:44 Rx
Rinat 19:17 Rx
Andria 24:27 88/RP
Dawn 26:55 125/Climb Att
Barb 23:52 115/2climbs per round
Byrnsey 20:40 Rx
Schaefer 16:41 Rx
Jess C. 24:42 150
Mark B 17:21205 RP
Megs 22:06 155 2 climbs
Robin 23:30 115 pulls
Ryan 15:11 pulls
Justin H 19:55 225
Heather 21:45 165 pulls
Justin R 17:06 205 pulls
Diane P 23:17 175 pulls
Roman 18:57 225
Steph I 22:09 100 pulls
PH 18:03 pulls
Jess S 23:38 145/rp
Anja 20:09 100/rp
Jessie 19:05 scaled
Sandy 22:55 scaled
Kate C 22:07 Rx
Staacy 21:09 115/rp
Flounder 20;02 225/rp
Schaefer 18:43 Rx run
LP 17:36 145 run
Shawn 23:14 Rx run
Bre 21:07 125/3 climbs/rp/run
Jen S 22:09 Rx run
Fran 19:58 95/rp
Mike W 27:28 205
Trey 21:45 scaled
Andrew Y 21:08 scaled
Bri 19:25 95/1 climb/rp
MIke G 20:38
DeedeeCee 21:29 105/rp
Jeremy 22:31 scaled
Al 24:26 255/rp
Ben 22:46 195
Albert 25:54 scaled
Conn 25:27 205/8 climbs/rp
Borden 24:57 225 6 climbs/rp
P-Ditty 24:07 125/1 climb/rp
Fayth 22:03 113/rp
Anne 21:44 83/rp
Mark 21:17 115/rp
AJ 24:37 1 climb/rp


  1. Mad props for the Harry Dresden quote!! Great WOD for tomorrow! :-)

  2. hey guys, last call for a Noemer Stronger Faster Healthier protein and fish oil order. Email me if you're interested on prices, it's less than the website and includes shipping + taxes. laurapappashealth@gmail.com Thanks!

  3. 6:00am results

    Dinger 19:13 175/RP
    Balmer 18:01 RX
    Gina 155/RP
    KT 19:48 RX
    King 22:50 135
    Cris 20:22 225
    Roni 20:57 145 RP
    Rebecca S 155(6 climbs)

    Great job this morning guys!! Rebecca, awesome improvement on your dead lift set up, I think your back will love you for it!!

  4. nooner

    Paul F 24:25 225/RP
    Lisa A 24:03 135/RP
    Mike T 17:44 Rx
    Rinat 19:17 Rx
    Andria 24:27 88/RP
    Dawn 26:55 125/Climb Att
    Barb 23:52 115/2climbs per round
    Byrnsey 20:40 Rx
    Schaefer 16:41 Rx
    Jess C. 24:42 150

  5. i think my time was 18:30 something. I thought it was listed? Sorry if I forgot to write it down!

  6. 4:30

    Mark B 17:21205 RP
    Megs 22:06 155 2 climbs
    Robin 23:30 115 pulls
    Ryan 15:11 pulls
    Justin H 19:55 225
    Heather 21:45 165 pulls
    Justin R 17:06 205 pulls
    Diane P 23:17 175 pulls
    Roman 18:57 225
    Steph I 22:09 100 pulls
    PH 18:03 pulls

  7. 5:30
    Jess S 23:38 145/rp
    Anja 20:09 100/rp
    Jessie 19:05 scaled
    Sandy 22:55 scaled
    Kate C 22:07 Rx
    Staacy 21:09 115/rp
    Flounder 20;02 225/rp
    Schaefer 18:43 Rx run
    LP 17:36 145 run
    Shawn 23:14 Rx run
    Bre 21:07 125/3 climbs/rp/run
    Jen S 22:09 Rx run
    Fran 19:58 95/rp

    Mike W 27:28 205
    Trey 21:45 scaled
    Andrew Y 21:08 scaled
    Bri 19:25 95/1 climb/rp
    MIke G 20:38
    DeedeeCee 21:29 105/rp
    Jeremy 22:31 scaled
    Al 24:26 255/rp
    Ben 22:46 195
    Albert 25:54 scaled
    Conn 25:27 205/8 climbs/rp
    Borden 24:57 225 6 climbs/rp

    P-Ditty 24:07 125/1 climb/rp
    Fayth 22:03 113/rp
    Anne 21:44 83/rp
    Mark 21:17 115/rp
    AJ 24:37 1 climb/rp

    rope climbing is a skill that you should definitely focus on gaining upper body strength for, plus work on it during non-WOD times. Welcome to Bri from Australia! (moved back to US) Also welcome to Mike G. for his first taste of CrossFit!

  8. This looked AWESOME!!!!

    Bummed I missed it . . . stupid rest day.
