

Power cleans (95/135#)
Kettlebell Swings (35/55#)
Slam Balls (choose weight according to level and ability)

Community Notes:
Paleo Pot Luck on Friday, 9/21 from 6:30-9:00PM, bring a dish of choice and recipe to share. 

“Trials, temptations, disappointments -- all these are helps instead of hindrances, if one uses them rightly. They not only test the fiber of character but strengthen it...Every trial endured and weathered in the right spirit makes a soul nobler and stronger than it was before.” 
-James Buckham - Writer, Author

Rebecca 16:17 85#
Bekah 14:30 75#
Kim G 16:23 78# 15SB
Mike S 19:45 95#/44
Klutch 14:57 115#
Kristin S 14:29 55#/26/20
Lauren M 75/35/15
Nina 12:36 95/35/20
Dan M 14:02 95/35/15
Mike W 15:43 94/44/25
Nick C 16:38 115/55/25
Gene 17:40 Rx+150/55
Calvin 16:14 Rx
Ben 16:44 95/45
Paul S 13:14 Rx
Derreck 17:51 Rx
Vinny 12:25 Rx
Oleg 17:12 Rx
Stacy 15:39 65/35
Stasie 17:28 55/26
Jess S 13:27 65/35
Erika 13:30 85/35
Kathleen 13:58 60/35
Albert 10:15 115/55
Miranda 17:38 Rx
Manisha 18:10 55/35
Diane 16:34 Rx
Keith 15:57 Rx 30#SB
Steph V 12:40 Rx 25#SB
Chris A 17:47 10//45/25
Ryan 10:04 Rx 30#SB
Dianne 18:38 53/26/10
Heather 10:25 65/35/15
Schaefer 15:00 Rx +70KB/35#SB
Jonathan 14:47 scale
Nick Z 13:37 115/44/20
Aimee 10:00 Rx
Kate C. 9:06 scale
Tanner 13:59 Rx
Rob Ph. 13:53 Rx
Pete W. 15:15 115#
Diego 16:48 115#
Joy 12:33 65#
Olan 15:18 115#
Lindsay P. 13:15 45/26
Sharon ouchie
Megs 13:17 85#
Joe C. 15:25 115#
Travis K. 15:14 115#
Allison 11:23 Rx
Vinnie G. 16:23 75/45
Fab 14:26 Rx
Justin 15:37 Rx


  1. For the C&J clinic on Sunday, I have:
    Susan B.
    Leslie C.
    Mike T.
    Paul S.

    Meaning there are 3 spots open. First 3 to email me at chris at crossfitkop dot com are in.

    Oleg, I need your email address.

  2. "Sam B for President"

  3. That quote makes me want to slam balls...

  4. 6am
    Rebecca 16:17 85#
    Bekah 14:30 75#
    Kim G 16:23 78# 15SB
    Mike S 19:45 95#/44
    Klutch 14:57 115#

    7am PC/KB/SB
    Kristin S 14:29 55#/26/20
    Lauren M 75/35/15
    Nina 95/35/20
    Dan M 14:02 95/35/15
    Mike W 15:43 94/44/25
    Nick C 16:38 115/55/25

  5. Chris P - I am in next time.. gots a bday party this Sunday..

    Timmy - you forgot Lauren and I's time.. I think I got 12:37ish

  6. Got it Chris, sent you a message on FB

    is anybody gonna go to the CMC in Brooklin this Saturday? I'd hate to do it by myself!!

  7. CFKoP will be on CBS 3 tonight at 11:00PM!

  8. 13:18 at home
    Subbed situps for slam balls 'cause I don't have any balls

  9. 5:30

    Gene 17:40 Rx+150/55
    Calvin 16:14 Rx
    Ben 16:44 95/45
    Paul S 13:14 Rx
    Derreck 17:51 Rx
    Vinny 12:25 Rx
    Oleg 17:12 Rx
    Stacy 15:39 65/35
    Stasie 17:28 55/26
    Jess S 13:27 65/35
    Erika 13:30 85/35
    Kathleen 13:58 60/35
    Albert 10:15 115/55
    Miranda 17:38 Rx
    Manisha 18:10 55/35
    Diane 16:34 Rx

  10. 4:30
    Aimee 10:00 Rx
    Kate C. 9:06 scale
    Tanner 13:59 Rx
    Rob Ph. 13:53 Rx
    Pete W. 15:15 115#
    Diego 16:48 115#
    Joy 12:33 65#
    Olan 15:18 115#
    Lindsay P. 13:15 45/26
    Sharon ouchie
    Megs 13:17 85#
    Joe C. 15:25 115#
    Travis K. 15:14 115#
    Allison 11:23 Rx
    Vinnie G. 16:23 75/45
    Fab 14:26 Rx
    Justin 15:37 Rx
